Boundless Orrery

Just an idea… How about adding a Orrery Machine (think Aughra’s observatory from The Dark Crystal) that shows the planets orbits in relation to each other that utilizes each planet’s atlas. Instead of having mechanical arms, maybe energy beams similar to the ones generated by power coils. They could be different colors depending on the planets element.

You could have a recipe to build the core machine first. Then, have requirements to add each planet to the machine in addition to completing their respective atlases. For instance, a sample of each obtainable resource from said planet (in order to create some mystical link between the machine and universe to keep them all in alignment, idk). Deposit the completed atlas and samples into the machine to have the planet appear in the air above the machine, moving in it’s appropriate orbit.

As an additional feature, perhaps only after a player has added all the known planets in the boundless universe, it could act as an Exo-Planet Alert system indicating which planets are being disturbed by the Exo’s gravitational pull. It wouldn’t have to indicate exactly which planet is closest, maybe just the top 5 planets in it’s influence.


Great classic old movie and the TV series was very well done too. The big kid in me would love my own Orrery.

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I wonder, do the planets really have a position in the universe or is their “distance” to other planets just numbers on a spreadsheet?


Allow me to shamelessly plug in a topic where i suggested an Orrery like 5 months ago haha xD.


Definitely the latter.
I remember the devs saying this was impossible because they do not exist correctly in a 3d space. This is because of all the arbitrary extreme distances between the planets.


@RedY3 noise machined beep beep.

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Very true we need the machines to make a little noise too xD

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This would be cool. A reason to complete all the atlases. As you complete them you could put the atlas in the machine permanently. Then you could access the planets resources like you can now. But be able to see the visual heat map of that resource on the atlas at the same time. Possibly even mark locations on the atlas without going to the planet…?