Hi… are the additional plots percentages active in the game currently from the upgrades on the website? So are you getting the 50% additional plots, etc now in the game? Or is it after going live?
Not yet, they are just putting code in place to make that possible.
thanks I guess the last question is do we know when those packages on the website will go away? Like can we wait for the 6 month warning on when they are about to release 1.0 and then buy one of those packages? Or will they go away before then?
The following post has comments on that question. Looks like they will go away. Q: Can I upgrade my Boundless package?
This is not correct. The additional plots are active in the current game.
The new code is for additional backer rewards, i guess.
@Xaldafax The plot bonuses have been active for a month or two at least. That’s all though.
I got my extra plots, so it is working.
@Heureka and it works on your Alts too right? They get same bonus?
Am I supposed to be getting extra plots from now on? I upgraded to wayfarer recently and got some extra plots for my previously earned levels, but I just leveled from 28 to 29 and only got 10 plots, just like I used to before I upgraded. Should I be getting 25% more plots each time I level?
The popup message only displays the normal plot gain. But check your total plot count before and after the level up.
* secretly checks spreadsheet *
With lv 29 you should have 200 plots as wayfarer. Without you would only have 160.
Huh. I only have 160 total land plots. What gives?
Btw it is possible some players will have different numbers of plots at the same level. This is because plots are awarded per level and not as a calculation against your current level. If we ever change the number of plots awarded per level (which is coming when Testing moves to Live) then it will result in different totals.
Which will be the case when the current testing goes live, i guess.
But I’m not sure, that is the case here. We both started at about the same time and we both are lv 29.
2 (lv 1) + 8 * 1 (lv 2-9) + 10 * 5 (lv 10-19) + 10 * 10 (lv 20-29) = 160
160 * 1.25 = 200
Understood. I wasn’t suggesting that @Serendipity37 plots were presented correctly, rather just pointing out that there could be differences.
In this particular case @Serendipity37 is a Wayfarer and has earned 160 plots, so it should result in 200 (as you calculate). There is a bug!! We just need to find out why and get it fixed.
I saw it fixed last night, so that’s great! Thank you so much!
Now with the new release though I’d like to check to make sure the extra plots are still multiplying by 25% but I have no idea how many plots per level we should expect now normally.
Ok, I’m kindof happy that you have the correct number now, but a little concerned that we have a mysterious and unresolved issue in the game.
Can you confirm if you saw the wrong value across multiple play sessions, or did you just look once and saw the wrong value?
I definitely looked at it a few times to make sure I wasn’t seeing things.
After I saw that you were looking into it, I logged in and saw my plots go from 160 to 200. Then I leveled up to 30 the pop-up text said that I got 20 plots (as would be the adventurer amount) but the actual plots I got was 25, which is correct for wayfarer. That pop-up text announcing your new level, new skill points and new plots don’t reflect upgrade packages I’m guessing.
I can confirm this, I got message for 10 plots but got more.