Boundless time

With upcoming global chat, it may be a good idea to have an in game clock, it doesn’t matter which time zone it’s set to, call it OOT (official oortian time).

This will help for meeting for trades, hunts etc. Everyone working from the same clock.


Heh, this has been suggested before and I agree!
Would be nice to not have to convert the time and just get used to the oort clock. Like UTC or whatever, it doesnt change but we would get to know the times we are usually on


Maybe an own clock? or make the day like an day in boundless, and make each new day amonth or something?

so that not everyone feel bad about the fact we chose a specific time region

I live in a -8 time zone and I would happily embrace a +0 time zone if it was universal.

Synchronized scheduling is more important than not having to get used to a different time zone imo.

Not sure it will change the fact that US is behind EU which is behind AUS in real time

A standard server time and a real time works in other games like FFXIV. People use server time to group up for raid and such


Could just have a little thing that says
“Current UTC time: 16:20”

+1 to Server Time (for everything). Currently people use UTC which requires math.

But would you use real time in a game with day/night cycles?

Absolutely. People in real life need to be able to coordinate especially if they are in different time zones

I would like the in-game time visible by setting too, though I expect it’d be way too fast given how short the day/night cycle is. (Also, a longer day/night cycle!)


Also different planets are at different times, you can portal from a sunny planet to a planet at night.

But on earth, which is where every single player is, there are different time zones therefore different times at any given moment.
If there is a meeting, players need to know when it is. If there was a universal time and it was stated, there would be absolutely zero confusion.

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I think I kinda had it in my mind it would be tied to the chat bar.

Just a little add on into the chat box, so everyone could work from the same reference point.

Don’t want it to intrude into the game itself, and the chat box kinda takes you out of the universe anyway.

Planetary time might be kinda cool, but it would not help to organise meeting! People struggle enough with RL time zones, imagine adding another 48! (As each planet would need it’s own).

This seems unnecessary, often times when messaging someone I’ll just say how many hours until I’ll be or I’ll clarify timezone

To take FFXIV as an example again, there are 3 timers:

  1. real times, taken from the net, adapted to your time zone.
  2. Eorzea time, in game time, necessary for gathering nodes spawn and some vistas challenge. Might not be needed in Boundless.
  3. server time, great to coordinate stuff. The amount of people struggling with East coast time, gmt, smt, pacific time… is a lot higher than you think.
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I also don’t expect the new in-game messaging to outright replace Discord and the Forums.

From personal experience this worked really well!

Especially since this is spanning several continents, and I wouldn’t expect someone in Australia to know what I mean by 6pm MST. Heck, I know I don’t look it up.
I only roughly know some European times bc I had friends I’d like to talk to without interrupting either of our sleep schedules!

It might not be high priority but it certainly is a really nice QoL addition.

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Day and night seems to vary from player to player in Boundless. Can’t 100% verify that it wasn’t due to the “N00b” buff that makes it always daylight, but I’ve noticed when playing with friends I will sometimes complain about the darkness and they’re like, “Bruh, it’s noon on my screen.”

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