Boundless's Solar System

Thanks! :heart:

I find that THIS might be more what you are after? In this instance you can see that the “ring planets” are in fact closest to one another, suggesting each server may have its own sun and that we just have 4 solar systems really close together…


Can I ask who created the 3D plot?

@Simoyd created it :slight_smile:

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Does he have an explanation as to how he came up with this layout?

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He probably does have one, but it’s not on the forums. It was featured on Jiivita’s new universe post and it just said it was based off the distanced between them.


larger universes wouldnt be able to be plotted accurately in 3d or even 11d since it really is a universe “graph” and not a physical solar system or anything, just the current live one has so few planets it works out okay in 3d I guess.


I placed all the planets randomly in a small 3D area (1x1x1 blinksec). Then I took all the blinksec distances between each planet measured in game and went through each pair in my model to find out the difference between the current distance in the model and actual distance in game. I added the vectors for each difference up for each planet, to get a final direction that each planet should be moved. I then moved each planet 0.001 blinksecs in that direction. I repeated this a few hundred thousand times in a loop, basically until the movement stabilized. I repeated this whole process multiple times with different initial random placement to see if there were multiple solutions, and I only found the one.

So bottom line is, the 3d model doesn’t fit the distances exactly, it’s just a “best fit” kind of thing.

I’m planning on putting the code into github. It will support adding in new planets and re-running for an updated solution. I just haven’t gotten around to cleaning it up yet =D.


The distances between planets are known - so you can select any 3 planets (since any 3 points can be placed on a plane) at their respective distances on a cartesian plane of your choice and use triangulation to determine the xyz co-ordinates of all the other planets. If you have this the “universe” as it stands can be drawn quite easily using something as basic as excel. This is a very nice plotting tool though, and sorries for not quoting sauce to @Simoyd on the first post!

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This is maybe an over-simplification, but basically that’s what I did.

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In theory I could also run it with different measurements omitted and call them “wormholes” (longer than expected) or “badlands” (shorter than expected). This may help make a more complex “graph” appear more sane in 3D.


or just plot it in 12d… :stuck_out_tongue:

So are the blast world’s etc safe currently? Or will I need to build up resistances before I go to them?

Atmosphere resistances don’t do anything yet. Enemy difficulty is based on the tier of the planet, (except vulpto which is effectively tier 2 for enemies)


Thank you!

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I’m on Munteen, not sure there are actually diamonds here…It’s so gray…lol

Diamonds are only on Andoween.


Try an Amethyst and it should light up like an Oortmas tree!


Diamonds is on Andooweem

The last time I put an amethyst in a atlas on munteen you could practically count the lights on one hand. I assume Oortmas trees are pretty sparse :laughing: