[Braconik-628B] --[T6 - Fierce Corrosive Exoworld]-- [Inactive]

--------------------[:earth_africa: World Details]--------------------
ID : 2051
Name : Braconik-628B
Type : Corrosive
Tier : T6 - Fierce
Atmosphere : Lvl 5 Caustic (4 levels)
Size : 3km (34 Regions)
Liquid : β–² Water | β–Ό Lava
Region : US East
------------------[:compass: Distance Details]------------------
42 blinksecs from Shedu Tier
Warp Cost : 3400c
---------------------[:stopwatch: Time Details]---------------------
Appeared December 5, 2020 9:11 PM
Last until December 10, 2020 9:11 PM

Blocks Colors

: New Color to this date
: Can be obtained by Recipe/Transmutation
: Obtained on Homeworld (clickable)
: Sovereign Selectable Color
>= 0 : Exo Exclusive last occurrence in Days

∟ - Gleam - 198 Cold Teal - Norkyna

∟ - Igneous - 87 Warm Viridian - Norkyna
∟ - Metamorphic - 245 Silk Turquoise - Norkyna
∟ - Sedimentary - 203 Light Turquoise - Imdaari

∟ - Ancient Trunk - 113 Stale Turquoise - Cardass
∟ - Lustrous Trunk - 245 Silk Turquoise - Cardass
∟ - Twisted Trunk - 202 Vivid Turquoise -

∟ - Exotic - 203 Light Turquoise - Cardass
∟ - Lush - 206 Light Azure - Cardass
∟ - Waxy - 215 Light Viridian -

∟ - Clay - 245 Silk Turquoise -
∟ - Peaty - 4 Dark Cerulean -
∟ - Silty - 55 Deep Turquoise -
∟ - Mud - 54 Silk Teal - Cardass
∟ - Ash - 87 Warm Viridian - Cardass
∟ - Gravel - 113 Stale Turquoise - Delta Cancret
∟ - Sand - 114 Rust Lime -

∟ - Barbed - 87 Warm Viridian - Cardass
∟ - Gnarled - 57 Deep Azure - Boori
∟ - Verdant - 54 Silk Teal - Cardass

∟ - Growth - 202 Vivid Turquoise - Till
∟ - Ice - 152 Stark Turquoise - Kada I
∟ - Glacier - 152 Stark Turquoise - Norkyna
∟ - Mould - 59 Silk Cobalt - Cardass
∟ - Sponge - 203 Light Turquoise - Niia Zed Ka
∟ - Tangle - 121 Warm Blue - Norkyna
∟ - Thorns - 241 Strong Turquoise - Grovidias Te

∟ - Cloneflower - 93 Yellow - Cardass
∟ - Gladeflower - 73 Warm Magenta - Grovidias Te
∟ - Ghostflower - 212 Slate - Till
∟ - Spineflower - 68 Deep Violet - Boori

∟ - Desert Sword - 167 Vivid Fuchsia - 479
∟ - Oortian’S Staff - 100 Light Orange -
∟ - Rosetta Nox - 212 Slate - Cardass
∟ - Spineback - 166 Light Berry -
∟ - Stardrop - 203 Light Turquoise - Till
∟ - Traveller’S Perch - 210 Cerulean - Cardass
∟ - Trumpet Root - 88 Teal - Cardass
∟ - Twisted Aloba - 89 Viridian - Cardass

∟ - Branch Funnel - 47 Dark Turquoise - Grovidias Te
∟ - Clustered Tongue - 56 Deep Slate -
∟ - Glow Cap - 202 Vivid Turquoise - Cardass
∟ - Mottled Tar Spot - 56 Deep Slate - Cardass
∟ - Tinted-Burst - 213 Turquoise - Cardass
∟ - Weeping Waxcap - 56 Deep Slate - Cardass


Initial Resources

------------[Embedded World Resources]------------

RankResource NameAbsolute CountPercentageAverage Per Chunk
1Iron Seam4,590,03229.77%124.51
2Medium Fossil Seam3,264,34321.17%88.55
3Coal Seam2,012,50613.05%54.59
4Silver Seam1,564,60910.15%42.44
5Large Fossil Seam1,130,7607.33%30.67
6Small Fossil Seam1,113,9047.22%30.22
7Ancient Tech Component Seam800,4035.19%21.71
8Gold Seam377,4722.45%10.24
9Hard Coal Seam310,9922.02%8.44
10Amethyst Seam120,2990.78%3.26
11Titanium Seam76,6140.50%2.08
12Ancient Tech Device Seam34,0220.22%0.92
13Emerald Seam22,4480.15%0.61

--------------[Surface World Resources]--------------

RankResource NameAbsolute CountPercentageAverage Per Chunk
2Primordial Resin28,58614.24%0.78
3Basic Boulder22,94111.43%0.62
4Tuber Plant13,2486.60%0.36
5Glow Cap Fungus12,9046.43%0.35
6Combustion Fraction10,4385.20%0.28
7Branch Funnel Fungus10,2945.13%0.28
8Tinted-Burst Fungus8,8234.39%0.24
9Boulder Tower8,7354.35%0.24
10Trumpet Root6,5883.28%0.18
11Twisted Aloba6,5793.28%0.18
12Mottled Tar Spot Fungus5,8812.93%0.16
13Tapered Boulder5,1542.57%0.14
14Desert Sword4,5762.28%0.12
15Starberry Vine3,9991.99%0.11
16Clustered Tongue Fungus3,8891.94%0.11
17Rosetta Nox3,0571.52%0.08
18Kranut Plant2,7471.37%0.07
19Traveller's Perch2,1051.05%0.06
20Oortian's Staff2,0811.04%0.06
21Spineback Plant8630.43%0.02
22Weeping Waxcap Fungus5760.29%0.02
23Stardrop Plant30.00%0.00



3 Stardrop plants?! Whistles Like a needle in an ice field :man_facepalming:


Scanned the world for the world colors so the OP is updated… but nothing to write home about.


Good amethyst planet, put up a few mine tokens in the exo station. :slight_smile:


Is it worth the hammer durability to come get metals from here? Or just stick with lower tiers?

The amethyst spots I was in had a bunch of silver, I’d say well worth it between the gems and metals if you stay in those hotspots. :slight_smile:

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Thanks Paka might head out in the morning! I was dedicating tomorrow to topping up ores and this one seems to have plenty as well as some amethyst so might as well!

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Make that 2 :wink:


Completed 99c atlases and some free location tokens now ready at the usual place at Exo Explorers on Lasaina (Portals from TNT Megahub and PS Hub Boori)

Completed 99c atlases and free location tokens in the TNT Shedu Tier hub for easy access when heading to the Exo via the TNT Megahub in case you forget to bring yours.


Pictures of resources in atlas and various locations


sand ash floating islands. enough for everyone. =p nice view in every direction.

i killed every pink cactus i saw…

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