Brand new and excited!

i prefer not to compare these three Games especialy cause of the Success of NMS (yes i’m a Fan too)… i think its not a good Omen for such a game.

But yes if you like sandbox MMOS like “Minecraft and Mods” with a little RPG touch and OpenWorld feeling, then you are perfectly right in here.

my most recommended Hints for this game are:

  1. look for a place with many people near to it for your home
    so it wont be boring alone (you can see Buildings and other player
    on your Compass in green on top of your HUD)

  2. Check out The Forums for Community Projects or Important
    Informations for example the new test Build: testing 29
    Testing 29: Creatures, Sanctum, Tutorial, Objectives and much, much more!

  3. make sure to save your building against the world regeneration with BeaconControl Block and PlotingTools
    (gain exp to reach higher lvl to get more land plots to Claim more Area to build biger Buildings)

  4. [PTO] Play The Objective^^
    in test Build are Objectives added to make the beginning easier for you
    do them and you will make it good.

Welcome to the Community