Brews? (Give us our goblets after drinking a brew!) Went from joke to serious question

They use ancient vital essence and clay soil.

1 & 2 use base metal

3 & 4 use precious alloy

5 uses titanium alloy

No other ingredients.


I always imagined it being more like


The workbench actually inscribes the sides of each brew cup with transmatter runes that will vaporize the cups after use.

…We’re not quite sure if the matter is truly dispersed or if they are teleported and we’re filling another dimension with trash.


That sounds like Vapoorize.

Edited to fix fictional product name


ding, ding, ding

You just described part of how and why planets regenerate their ores!



This still needs to be a thing!

Yes I agree
Goblet recycling bins

But empty goblets need to stack with brews.

It should be just like buckets they have durabilty

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I rather have the glands back :wink:

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Looks like ya gland request basket is full @AeneaGames

that makes me feel sad :frowning:

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Yall make me think of this RPG parody video hehe


BOTH of them? I have two… both had 550k in there…

Idk honestly was just hoping it would make you run back and check haha @AeneaGames

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Give me my goblets!

First time i see this thread, very recently saw this clip… perfect match
Health potions NPC Man

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I’ve since moved them to gyosha mall but still plenty of cups for all you ceramic-munching citizens :grin:

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Ooh, what if drinking brews gave us ‘dirty cups’ item and we had to run them through the refiner to ‘wash’ them and re-use.
I’d hate to have an extra stack of items in inventory after drinking them though.

Edit: doing dishes sucks. Never mind. I take it all back.


Indeed a perfect match for this thread as you can see here in @majorvex 's post 4 or 5 posts above yours:
