Brightness or color saturation setting

Is there a setting or something in-game that changes the brightness or color saturation? I’m no good at understanding settings and when I looked at the ones in-game I can not for the life of me understand half of them and I suffer from Migraines. Certain colors in-game accompanied by the lightning trigger them and I was wondering if anyone knew of a setting that can help alleviate that. I just want to be able to go to all planets without having to only do things at night and wait out the day time in the sanctum just to avoid triggering a migraine.

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I’m not sure about in game but on my TV I can adjust each setting and make presets, so I have a preset for Boundless now.
Perhaps your TV/monitor has a brightness and saturation setting?

I might look into that. thank you because I honestly didn’t think of that

I actually play using 2 different TVs depending where I am, my smart TV with its awesome quality picture looks magnificent, but it’s suuuper dark when it’s dark. But my rubbish TV doesn’t do black so well, so it never seems to get dark on there :laughing: i prefer caving and mining on my rubbish TV lol!!

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yeah I wouldn’t have such a problem if I was on my gaming computer but I don’t play this game on that so I was kind of stuck. Most games have a setting for brightness or saturation and if not there are mods that can help. it just sucks that certain colors trigger me. like the umbris planet right now is really kicking my butt with the sun on the red landscape. Its those reds and pinks that really get me other than that I’m usually fine. I’ve had to go as far as wearing sunglasses while playing which is hard because I wear glasses lol. so this might help tremendously if I can figure out how to change some settings. ask me about changing computer settings and I’m fine but give me a TV and I’m lost. So this will be fun

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