Broken tokens and warp skill

Been trying for over a week since joining Boundless (hello everyone o / ) to create my own warp tokens for use in my own portals. when i visit shops, hubs, & travel networks i see the tokens available for use with their portals are silver… the ones i create are bronze. i have the epic warp skill and ive created the waypoints exactly as the guides suggested however regardless where or how i create a marker my tokens for said markers are always bronze. when i input a silver token into my portal conduits they work perfectly (these are created by other players) but when i try to input my own tokens, the bronze ones, i get an “Invalid Item” error ive reported this bug twice using the ingame bug report feature. this is my first time coming to forums to share my frustration. thanks in advance for any solutions found to my infuriating issue. i suspect the bronze tokens are for players that don’t have the skill requirements… but seeing as i have the Portal Epic skill this issue is frustrating me.


Bronze ones are location tokens and silver ones are portal tokens. You get the silver ones from the portal conduits. But only the owner can create them

Portal tokens are specific to an individual portal, not a location.

You have to set up the conduits and interact with them to create the portal token. The token contains information about the location as well as the specific conduits it was created with, including the number and configuration.

When you interact with the setup portal and select the create portal token tab or whatever it’s called, it will show you a token you can drag out to your inventory. If you want to name it something besides “portal token” click on the create portal token button first, and type in a new name. Then when you drag it out to your inventory you will have a portal token with the name you gave it.

If you break the blocks and set up new blocks, you will need to create a new token, I’m pretty sure even if you set the same number of blocks back into the same location and configuration.


Nightstar is correct, and I’m sorry this has been plaguing you for a week. Portals can be a tricky system to learn when you are new for sure, I know it took me awhile to figure it out.

the bronze tokens are for sharing warp locations between players. the silver tokens are for putting in portal conduits to link two sets of conduit to build a “bridge” between them.

I believe the bronze tokens are only really for tracking? I don’t know I’ve not really used them since “locations” are only used in the warp system with warp blocks, and I haven’t tried giving a warp destination to someone.

I wish I could remember where the place in game where someone built a more in depth tutorial for these systems was.

If you have any more questions about boundless feel free to ask or search here on the forums. We are one of the most friendly communities in gaming (not that that some family drama doesn’t crop up from time to time). If you ever come across me in game (fiffer is my character name) I will be more than happy to answer questions as I am able.

thx so much for the info everyone! i searched every guide on the web and they all said to go to the places tab in my player UI menu the same as i do creating a location… you really helped me here! i guess we can label this as Solved.

as a follow up, a veteran player suggested i create a crafting alt so my main can focus on hunting and gathering…
i did this but when i attempted to set manual waypoints using the coord data from my main it sent me to a weird place… can anyone else confirm this? and that’s my only other issue related to this subject.

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Double check the coordinates. If it says ie: -234N, -1290E, 99…make sure you put in the “-”

Make sure your alts are in the same planet

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