Bug issues

My friend April has sent multiple in game big report but can’t seem to get a response. One is chiseling at a particular altitude. When she tries certain blocks it will chisel the block next to it. The other is a trader quest. It’s called restock request. Tier 3 trader objective. Its saying she never collected items but she runs a large shop and has done this hundreds of times. She is in Sorissi.


Was it a particular big report? Although looking at what you wrote, did you mean to say an in-game bug report?

Would she be able to provide screenshots / video showing where she was trying to chisel and what block is being chiselled instead? It’s hard to picture this otherwise.

We do have a bug logged for this, but there is no fix for this yet.

Could you meet her there?

Yes, bug* autocorrect switches it.

Sorry, missed this message over the weekend. Is it going to be tricky for her to get screenshots / video of this?

I can get the coordinates and attach a screenshot and then post to here. Is this specificity what you’re asking for? James usually would go to the location so this is a change. Me and April play on ps4. I’ll get on with her later today. She is not tech savvy so to say. (Her words not mine). Lol

Yes, you can attach a screenshot showing the coordinates from Places -> Locations -> Orientation if you have a specific example located there. However, if you want one of the devs to go there quite quickly, you could ask @james or @rossstephens.

Alternatively, I can look into it, although I’ll have to get there the normal way like most players do. How would I get there from Sochalin I?