Build Land Issue

It’s time you recreate every single meme you post but with yourself instead. The Oortians demand it.

Also @majorvex you post happy memes here, those are nice. I’m all for happy memes. It’s a good contribution.

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Well, this is a mmo game, of construction and combat, that gives the player a universe and freedom, but a game that is realistic where you can never lose something important, that is a failure and challenges you to overcome … something is missing … you don’t always win, that should be part of the game if you want to transmit to the players an immersion in this fantastic universe that these magnificent developers have created. My opinion. Do you pay and keep all your possessions? Why not give a chance to those who are playing now. If you lose you get paid the average market price, you have not lost at all. You pack and leave, if you also put “the construction plans” here it would be great. These ideas do not solve anything in the current problem, but they can help if they decide to give another approach to the video game’s land system, if it is an unwritten rule that this game cannot have pvp in any way as I will respect it.

Good ideas, but it’s probably not the right time for it.

We are trying to brainstorm ways to overcome some indirect PVP/griefing issues that players are having. It wouldn’t be a good time to add any type of combative/aggressive mechanics.


Honestly, I just don’t think the kinds of people who buy Boundless have any interest whatsoever in forced PVP mechanics, and certainly they are even wary of optional PVP.

I know what you’re describing works in some PVP games, but I think we’re all carebears here, and this specific PVP idea feels like it’d breed a lot of resentment.

People seem more amendable to gladiator stadium PVP for fun though.

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Well, maybe in this particular game. :wink:

In other games, I’ll take the scimitar, AK, flame-thrower, etc and kill everything that moves




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I am find with Boundless Hardcore Deathmatch but just not next door. Put it on the other side of a portal.

Well back on topic… Anyway thank for the good discussion. I think we gave a few ideas. We just wait to see what happens…

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I disagree, I think that pretending that the pvp is not existing and calling it indirect does not solve the tension. This is a game formed by people and when people group together and form societies, conflicts will always exist, pretending to ignore them does not solve them and the situation becomes indignant, people become indignant when they have no answers. Give them simple rules, some options and freedom, and they will solve them. Pretending that there are no struggles between players in this environment of freedom and hope that those indirect pvp do not occur do not think it is realistic.

People would rather quit Boundless than resolve their differences in the way you’re describing, that’s the problem.

In a closed system, yes, people could work things out, but there’s countless other games out there and no reason to stay in this one.


I think what she meant was that this discussion on the PVP aspect of the game are better discussed in a different thread. Maybe you could post your PVP ideas there in a new thread? I know there have been a few PVP threads but we haven’t had one lately.


I doubt anyone that has known me for more than a minute thinks I ignore anything lol.

We don’t have PVP in this game because most players don’t want it.

We have griefing - malicious and indirect…I should have just said griefing to begin with I guess.

If they ever decided to add PVP to this game it would need to be off on a special world by it’s own.

We have devs that are currently mitigating disputes and issues.


You may be onto something with this one. Circ, biitula, boori and bessi (to a lesser extent) are probably the most pleasant planets on the eyes if someone is looking for a nice vibrant earthlike setting. Maybe we need more earthlike areas with good blues and greens for people to build in with more blueish atmospheres for people to spread out to? Maybe drop 2-3 more planets and fill in some of the t4 lush gaps (Looking at you AUS players) for people to spread out on.

Honestly, fifty planets aren’t very many when you consider there need to be lots of open spaces for resource farming and hunts. I didn’t move out to Circ or Biitula because it wouldn’t be very nice to drop a 5-10k plot area for a personal build in a place where a lot of people are building small cities. Instead I find myself stealing their folliage and grass seeds and redoing segi as time permits.


I can appreciate that for certain with the amount of plots some of us can wield. If we could possibly be causing issues ourselves then how is it for the smaller person who only has a few plots and just starting out. Where is the “wild” “open land” in this game.

I’ve been thinking a lot the past few hours about this one thing - even after all the concerned posts prior to the buffer zone patch, the Devs felt the need to put the patch in. They are not stupid. So there must be some really valid reason they feel this was needed. Even now instead of just instantly removing it, they are trying to solve it first. So there is some important part of “plot authority” and “who placed the claim first” in the game play they are trying to establish or fix. The whole design speaks to that - I was here first and I need a buffer around my plots.

Then we see the real distribution of the players across all the worlds. Most have flocked to Lush and non-harsh worlds. Why? And is this where the contention really is that the buffer zone patch is hoping to help.

I am game for new lush worlds but we still would need to fix the root issues because after a few new players we might be likely be in the same boat again with plot fights Boundless style.

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I do think there is an X-amount of plot buffer that would allow people to feel as though they had a chance against people who paid for a ton of plots, so I see where the devs are coming from, but with a buffer system, we have to have a beacon transfer system for malls.

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We also need the buffer & oldest-beacon-auto-reservations to not be available within the mall zone. It does not help us at all, it’s harming us.

Want Blue, go to Houchus I young man! Lots of wild wild open spaces there. =) Bring slingbows, lots of em. The bluest areas are deep in the depths, I admit, and mightys and elites do abound.

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I’ll leave those specifics to you and those with experience managing large complex settlements. I trust your judgment on this.

I only have a broad look of the systems, so we need people like you to dig deep into the details to help make systems like this work, or be scrapped.

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A few suggestions of solutions.

  1. Along the lines of what @Vurtadelic had suggested earlier in the post; my suggestion is to have a private solo world (smaller version) like the sanctum (or even use the sanctum, expanded of course, as a major tutorial area) where new players will learn all the ins and outs of building and plotting. In other words, this tutorial area will be where new players need to complete their tutorial before being let loose into the actual Boundless world. This area will not be connected to the general MMO Boundless world but a local only version that no one else can visit but yourself. The area should also have limited resources, enough for the new player to complete his/her tutorial.

As a bonus to solving the feeling of “shock” when they get “friends” near their build, it can also serve as a long term storage solution for all players who intend to go on a long hiatus. Up to the devs to decide on what kind of limits they want to place on said area. (like extra limited storage if they don’t want it to become a warehouse for stuff).

So, this essentially makes sure that new players will exit the tutorial space with more than a handful of plots to use when they have completed their tutorial.

  1. I also agree with @majorvex observations that the current prestige system with the quests associated with it is one of the causes for the observed social friction. Maybe the devs need to review not how the prestige calculations are made for a player, but how it is done when someone else joins your build. The current buffer system may solve this problem. But, it does not solve the problem that you have a quest that promotes prestige greed which only a single player can complete at any given moment.

  2. This suggestion here is not at all new but exists in the game Archeage. When players come together to build a town and achieves a certain player count (or prestige in this case, or both) per cluster; a quest is born to create a community building with special machinery that creates special stuff that no player machine/s can make. In Archeage, this machine generates goods for trades and any player can use it; but it can be restricted as per the leader of the cluster. In Archeage, this goods generate more coin than any player farmed produce. (merchant trader was a form of game play in Archeage, so was pirating). This will encourage people to group up cooperatively.

  3. I also agree with the point being brought up about lacking in buildable safe space (as in lv1-2/3 areas). I know james has mentioned they have algorithms in place that makes new planets when the system thinks that a new one is needed. This makes me wonder if that algo only takes into account the number of new players ONLY? If so, maybe its about time to tweak that algo to also take into account the amount of buildable safe spaces.


I guess this would be similar to @knightsb #3…but I was going to ask…do you think it would be too complicated to do something like:

Once a settlement meets certain criteria:

  1. 20 +/- beacons placed by different players
  2. 1 million prestige
  3. (there should prob be another condition)

An option appears on the main beacon/settlement control to designate the settlement as a specific zone:

A. Residential - all residents receive a +10% bonus in footfall, buffers & plot reservations can be set to all-on or all-off

B. Commerce - all residents receive a +10% bonus in sales commissions for anything sold from a shop stand (this should help with encouraging people to not leave empty shop stands and to not use them for storage), mix/max plot sizes can be set, & plot reservations & buffers can be set to all-on or all-off

C. Industrial - all residents receive a +10% bonus on any item crafted on a machine, buffers & plot reservations can be set to all-on or all-off

D. Lock it/leave it set to the default mixed-use zone.


I think this only can start to work without much friction by allowing people to really control their settlement. You decide how and who and what you are joining. All opt-in.

Maybe something like this can help with the “wild areas but neighbor built right beside me” problems.