[build] the future network ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ

yes it does, if its placed directly on top of the conduit, however there’s enough space for them to use :slight_smile:

ps im still waiting for that portal token?


sorry my bad i’ve been super busy trying to catch up on my farm work and getting stuff gathered.
I’ll try to get that token at some point soon

Only curious now you can use the conduits under the plot line if placed correctly only to make the design have a hole for the next person :joy:

They’re activated so they won’t merge into another set of blocks.

Also you can use 2 warp conduits to warp any distance you have the skill for, right? I don’t recall ever being required to use more than 2 even for a max-skill warp to an exo :thinking:

I did make tons of 10x10 warps though :rofl:


You speak wisdom, Sir :saluting_face:


the plan was to create a flower trading area on either the future planet and/or on the new future network hub on circapous, but with such a low playerbase currently, and with the drag0n team having their area, i decided that its best not to do it and let them handle it :slight_smile: this way we have not to many trading areas.
cya next year! :stuck_out_tongue:


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