Isn’t that a funny solution.
I think it comes from the mentality that is perpetuated by the current meta in these types of games. A build competition is fun! All competitions are fun…and carry across the different types.
A hunter competition would be fun! (it wouldn’t replace monsters dropping loot)
A gathering competition would be fun! (it wouldn’t replace needing to make gains from gathering other blocks)
An exploration competition would be fun! (it wouldn’t replace loot in crypts)
If I build a massive beautiful build (using all my plots, and all the plots of all my alts) in order for the game to reward it:
- People need to come visit it
- People need to vocalize their appreciation of that build
Neither of those are the game rewarding it. And, if you want your build to just be an amazing build, the game doesn’t reward that.
Good job! Now go build something people will visit. Or wait, and build when there is a competition?
I think it is possible to reward builders for their builds by giving them in game mechanics that are uniquely rewarding…and I don’t think that is too crazy
But maybe my idea is way off…and what really is needed is something else. But I hope we find a way to create the end game concepts for builders to keep them building and obtaining cool stuff or it. Giant area builders could transform the landscape of the game and impact the player base and how the game is viewed.
Having them have late game content which will reward them and keep them entertained in the activity they enjoy…is a win/win for the game.