"Builders" End Game (50+) - Titan Cores?


Based on feedback of the players, it seems that ‘end game’ has been a conversation. I wanted to bring up an option for incorporating the “Builders” (players that focus on building) into the end game.

Historically the game has noted:

Q. How do you imagine the end game content ?

A: The end game content for Boundless is:

Economic / Guild based competition
Exploring the most dangerous worlds

^ that is a Dev note, and is great! It addresses end game for exploration, gathering and fighting! But what about building?


In history, builders are a part of the community. Their creations allow for communities to gather and grow. Builders create beautiful places for us to gather, be social and sometimes to just look at in amazement. I think that Boundless is already allowing this to happen! With every city that pops up (or new build project) the community is brought together. I think Boundless lives this fantasy!

But what about after? You build your city…just keep building? Constant expansion? Hmm maybe there can be a reason given by the game, that helps guide a player and gives Builders a unique interaction with the game world.

I drew on inspiration from this picture:


In many stories builders are seen as the people who work magic. Temples are built so that Gods can see them, or tombs are raised with spiritual meaning. In the above picture from LoTR the Hobbit, Gandolf is noticing that the Ring Wraiths have escaped from their built prison.

There are many myths about evil being sealed away in a building/tomb. The notion is that the builder uses special materials or designs in order to trap that evil to protect the greater community.

Perhaps Builders in Boundless could do just that…and it wouldn’t be easy.

The Idea:

Titans are big, bad and they mean business. While hunters/gathers may be able to kill them/break them down…they aren’t really gone. A core always remains.

This core is the heart of the Titan, and if left unattended will fade on its own, returning to wherever Titans come from to be reborn.

Builders have the unique ability to cage these cores in their builds. A trapped core is useful for the builder, as it increases their prestige multiplier for their build, and it also can have other positive effects (if maintained).

Titans vary in strength, so do their cores.

Titan Core (three strengths Weak, Normal, Strong)

  • A Titan Core has a Prestige value associated with it. A build needs to be within % of that value in order to contain the Titan Core.

  • If the build prestige is too high, the Titan Core weakens (cannot give buff to prestige and if weakened for too long will disappear).

  • If a build prestige is too low, the Titan Core will corrupt the build drawing in monsters and then breaking free (disappearing)

  • A Titan Core prestige requirements change over time. The fluctuation is smaller for weak cores and becomes greater fluctuation for strong cores.

  • Once a Core has been ‘contained’ the Builder may access it to gain something (i.e. special blocks, unique looks of blocks, wearable gear) and the Core produces this on a regular basis (daily/weekly) allowing for the builder to gather them within their build.

Maintaining a Strong Titan Core would require prestige management and (at times) building/destroying parts of a build to allow for the prestige value to stay and would be the most valuable.


Titan Core would be a block and by hovering over it you can see the cores strength and required prestige to contain it. It would require a special case to be built around it, that would be outlined as a ‘blueprint’ per the addition of that feature, once the block was placed. The stronger the core, the better materials are needed for this ‘case’.

Once the case is built, the Titan Core goes on cooldown for a period of time to allow the builder to build. If a Titan Core is harvested and replaced, it always goes on cooldown for max duration, to discourage moving them.

Once the cooldown on the Titan Core has been reached, it activiates. The Titan Core checks the prestige of the settlement it is in and begins to do the following checks:

If the prestige value is low (>10%) the Titan Core immediately moves to ‘Corrupted’ (more on this below). If the prestige value is >50% too low, the Titan Core immediately disappears and is lost.

If the prestige value is within 10% of the required prestige to contain it, the Titan Core immediately moves to ‘Stable’ (more on this below).

If the prestige value is high by >10% the Titan Core immediately moves to ‘Diminished’ (more on this below). If the prestige value is >50% to high, the Titan Core immediately disappears and is lost.

A Corrupted Titan Core will:
Corrupt blocks used to make its prison (the blue print) in regular intervals. If more then 20% of the prison is corrupted the prison breaks, the Titan Core disappears. During this time the settlement area has an ‘eerie’ weather effect, and mobs appropriate for the planet can be spawned into the settlement near the Core (if there is room, this is rare)

Prestige value for a settlement that is holding a corrupted core is lowered, and remains lowered for 1 week after it is fixed/lost/destroyed.

A Stable Titan Core will:

Produce items for the builder in stable intervals. Still attempts to corrupt its prison (very slow/rarely). These blocks need to be destroyed/replaced to hold the core and maintain it.

A Diminished Titan Core will:

Does nothing. If it stays in a Diminished state for more then 1 day, it disappears.

Monthly the Titan Cores reset their prestige requirements and go on Cool Down.

All of this can be made more difficult by storing multiple cores within the same settlement (likely a requirement to hit the prestige requirements of a large city). If prestige requirements drop for a core, another core can be housed to make up the difference (as they compound, and aren’t treated individually).


I wanted to provide a way for Builders to move into the late game beyond endless building, and engage them with a game mechanic (should they choose, no requirement). I imagine Capitals and large cities existing just to house Strong Titan Cores.

Outposts built on remote hills to house Weak and Normal Titan Cores.

The Cores endlessly whispering…hoping to corrupt the walls around them and break free.

Just a thought, wanted to share if it could be useful!

Cheers all!


Wow that’s an in depth thought out idea. I like it.

End game stuff and rewards is ALWAYS the make or break of a mmo. So I will lightly say, give us a reason to need a master crafters meat pie that would be overkill fighting a teir 4 cuttle but majorly needed for that level 50 only moon I think I see on the outskirts of our system. Or against the famed Titans as mentioned above.


man I love this idea!
this could also be used to create player dungeons.

I’ve already started on the housing for my core.


In only half way through your post and i think irt brilliant

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Thought it would be cool if you could use these or something else to make player made dungeons as well?

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Like if you purposely corrupt it,the plots becomes a dungeon or something. Spit ballin


Sign my up and call me warden Sharkysaur. What if Titan Cores could be used as a power source in some way? Maybe this is something that groups of players or guilds would be required to maintain, not one player on their own.


Maybe a builder oriented skill could allow you to handle the core? Builders would have a pretty important role in the game.


Ooo I love all these ideas :slight_smile: so fun to brain storm!! I hope that we can come up with some ideas that will enhance the builders late game.

The corrupting to make a player dungeon is a cool concept!!


I thought the titan cores would be used for flying vehicles.


Interesting idea :kissing: Even if not the Titans Heart (devs may have plans already for that) in the end, but something similar would be cool to see in game.

Also somehow reminded me about that thingy:



Yes! That is scary and cool!


Titan cores have been hinted to create air ships and moving parts. I am not sure of the limitations but this should unlock a whole new list of possibilities for builders.


Interestingly Sly, this is part of the reason I wanted to make this post.

I think there is a misconception that Builders being able to build is all that is needed. While I agree that is an important…it isn’t the same for other types of players.

Hunters don’t hunt just to hunt…they also get loot!
Collectors don’t just break blocks for the fun of breaking blocks…they also get loot!
Explorers don’t just explore to explore…they will find crypts…filled…with loot!

But the builder option doesn’t have that same progression.

If you build, you build to build…and you provide your own satisfaction…or it is provided by peers via footfall or social recognition. It would be nice if in the late game, those that specialize in building can gain rewards that utilize their specialization as a means of acquiring those items.

Also, as a fun note. Titan Cores can make flying items :wink: It doesn’t mean that they can’t also incorporate one specific type of Core or Essence that would allow for this.

Well, I say that…knowing that this suggestion is very likely to not be implemented…and that is totally okay! Just happy to have the conversation about Builders and end game, and put ideas out there!


I see what your concern is and yeah I agree that there is a significant disparity there. One thing that isn’t official, but has been enough to incentivize some, are the rewards from some competitions. While this is only granted through specific builds it work be interesting to think more about how we can make the process asynchronous.


Isn’t that a funny solution.

I think it comes from the mentality that is perpetuated by the current meta in these types of games. A build competition is fun! All competitions are fun…and carry across the different types.

A hunter competition would be fun! (it wouldn’t replace monsters dropping loot)
A gathering competition would be fun! (it wouldn’t replace needing to make gains from gathering other blocks)
An exploration competition would be fun! (it wouldn’t replace loot in crypts)

If I build a massive beautiful build (using all my plots, and all the plots of all my alts) in order for the game to reward it:

  1. People need to come visit it
  2. People need to vocalize their appreciation of that build

Neither of those are the game rewarding it. And, if you want your build to just be an amazing build, the game doesn’t reward that.

Good job! Now go build something people will visit. Or wait, and build when there is a competition?

I think it is possible to reward builders for their builds by giving them in game mechanics that are uniquely rewarding…and I don’t think that is too crazy :slight_smile:

But maybe my idea is way off…and what really is needed is something else. But I hope we find a way to create the end game concepts for builders to keep them building and obtaining cool stuff or it. Giant area builders could transform the landscape of the game and impact the player base and how the game is viewed.

Having them have late game content which will reward them and keep them entertained in the activity they enjoy…is a win/win for the game.


I’m behind you 100%. I build, people seem to like the things i build, but i always ask myself why I need to build? All other archetypes have an impact on the game economy at least, builders just fill space. Most anyone can fill space. I’ve been hoping for something that sets the individuals whom choose to build into a purposeful class. I would love to contribute to the player experience, other than “that looks cool”.


The thing about builders is that they’re more of a special class. Maybe not the best comparison, but look at builders the same way you look at clerics/healers in other games. Sure, you’re not the one doing the most damage in battles, and you might also not be the best at gathering. But a cleric’s worth is determined by those who they effect, and nobody could live without them. Without builders making great awesome cities, we wouldn’t have places for us to hang out, to group up, to find our way, trade, access portals for free, any of that. Though perhaps you are right that builders don’t get a lot of the same things as fighters or gatherers, that’s also the beauty of it. Sacrificing their own fortunes for the sake of the community :slight_smile:


Not trying to necro here, just offering my opinion :stuck_out_tongue:

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I never understood why people could have problems with raising the dead threads if there is something good or new to tell :wink:

Edit: … and just found this here :smiley: