Building a castle! Need Help with color scheme

So guys I need a bit of help. I am building a castle with surrounding walls. I am trying to make a color scheme but cant seem to decide.

I am thinking for the castle. Maybe Marble Dark Cobalt walls with a Night azure outline? Or maybe rust slate walls with a dark grey outline?

And then for the walls surrounding the castle pure black with Another color outlining it…IDK i am bad at matching colors lol. Please help.


Throw up some screenshots of the combinations that always helps

Ty for that just did :slight_smile:

It honestly depends if want a lighter wall design and darker castle or vis versa. Or what block you want to mainly use sense they reflex differently. Maybe a brick used wall with shining castle would be easiest

I like the darker color scheme better with Gleam outline some areas. Thats why I was kind suggesting the Dark Cobalt or make something Like Rust slate with a dark grey. Oh as for the blocks I was wanting mainly marble (Really like the way it looks) and for the wall I was thinking maybe refined stone.

After that big lighting update a while ago, dark color blocks look rather underwhelming. Texture is usually not that visible. It’s hard to enjoy patterns of blocks you use, as they are hardly noticeable.

I did a lot with night green and black before and it looks worse after the update. I had to use way more light sources which I am not a big fan of. I prefer using light sparingly to accent shapes and only flood builds with light when it looks too dark and it’s impossible to see what material is used.

I do love colors and lighting more after update, it’s just the dark blocks are missing that something now. I build with lighter colors mostly now.

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Hmm what would you suggest then? Im thinking like rust slate with dark grey then? Or maybe even oxide azure.

I think its generally better to use a darker and lighter color as opposed to two darker ones. Usually my color combos are depndent on the world im on and the general colors around me.

Grovidas te has an orange atmosphere so I used red and blank, malurialakrib is green so i built with dark green brick ect…

Color wheel


Thats a nice link for creating your colorschemes :+1:
Didnt know that website , thank you @HABABAS

@MrBones This one will help you a lot for building :boundless: I think.

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Yea, it really does help. I do greatly appreciate it.

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Glad u found some help bud. Cant wait to see ur creation

:slight_smile: It wont be too long before you can. I guess maybe 5 days max? To do the main layout. Gonna cost me about idk, 1k plots or so? Maybe more. Just for the castle

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I find dark grey very good, and ceruleans as well.
Compact coal looks great as pillars etc.

Some programs can help you with planning, for example MagicaVoxel (free)


@MrBones hey that shop looked familiar :grin:

Dark violet or Night orange, cause you don’t see many castles that color so it would be a little unique and still darker colors.

Here is the current progress. My basic layout will consist of Black Marble floor with Oxide Azure walls.With having the road being Night Azure. I am still thinking what to make the surrounding walls around the castle look like.


Might match if you use meta rust slate stone (vertical) at the rond parts to curve the round parts with bevel. (The gray 1/4 and rust slate 3/4 chiseled.) will add dimension to the round parts of the walls.

Almost like im doing with my towers (Terra Nova TNT Lamblis).

Might have to zoom a little had other example builds on antar but didn’t made screen shots and its almost all torn down.