I ran out of inventory space in my home, and I am boxed in on all 4 sides. I would like to relocate near an active community and rebuild a bigger home. And also move my farm. Any suggestions for communities.
New infinity city has a portal in kingdom’s portal hub. It isn’t incredibly active yet but there’s plenty of room and occasionally people come through.
Edit: I’m there every day
Iconic finds spots around town for members. What guild are you in?
Currently a duskmoor member
Im sure there is area around DSK might be far out tho. Wouldnt want to steal other group’s members
There is a portal to new infinity right outside my shop the galaxy cruiser on taxa, that would probably be the easiest place to move and build new.
I meant to say raxxa
Oooh your the galaxy cruiser person. Yeah im sure Vanguard could use some help.
Awesome : ) and I have a portal to a place called ‘deku’ Behind my shop in new infinity (the one with water walls) with plenty of room there if you’d like to expand your farm too.
hi man
aquatopia has brand new city on nia zed ka
and we have massive terrains available to build
3 provinces via metro system
plus we got via our easy portal setup another town thats fully loaded with farms perfect to farm along others
we just started the town part but its allready full off big bases and veterans
and the middle has a 3000 plot mall that never can go inactive due to renting system
i can add if you plan to play for a very longtime its goodplace
we been running aquatopia long before release and we just started
slow and steady