Building impossible cause of creatures

well, cuttletrunks, spitters and hoppers do track better - its quite impressive, but they follow me to basement and areas that have just one entrance and sometime manage to get in, if not they hang around until I’m out and I stand no chance against 2 of them flying, one hopping and exploding and one spitting, so that makes building the structure impossible :o before the update I would die 2-3 times in an hour of building exercises but today I’m dying 2-3 times over 10 minutes :disappointed:

its down to them being in too large numbers around (its Munteen and I had hoppers and spitters before last update and now I have them flying thingies) plus the old behavior that I meant to make topic about before but somehow didnt ;p they ignore the fact there is a wall or another obstacle making it impossible for them to get you and they keep shooting or spitting or exploding (depending on creature) and dont go away at all- unfortunately hoppers can kill you exploding on the other side of a wall,
so 4 suggestions here:

  1. please dont put all aggressive creatures in the same area - create some teritorial behavior for them, make them even fight each other if they meet (and maybe also hunting peaceful species)

  2. make them go away when they can’t hit you - if they dont succeed over 5 shots/spits maybe they could ignore you are within their detection range and come back to normal random patrolling or something instead of pushing against your house walls like a turtle and attacking them poor bricks :wink:

  3. think about making them repulsive towards plotted areas - they are wild animals and maybe they could be a bit shy towards entering civilized areas (at least the bigger ones having at least 6, 8 or 10 plots and more together, the tiny beaconed spots with a few plots could be attacked the way isolated hunters hut would be approached by wild animals)

  4. this I thought of before and planned on creating separate topic about but here we come with it :wink: maybe red dots on radar is not enough to warn you and give you fighting chance ? (especially that sometime they dont appear on time) maybe you could introduce a sound + picture warning, the way World Of Tanks have it (for those not playing tanks - you get sound and a bulb appearing in the middle of the screen for a second or two when you are spotted by enemy tank); so whenever a player is spotted by an aggressive creature he would hear a sound and see a big exclamation sign in the middle of the screen or something - red dot can remain where it is for direction read;

so, what do you think lads?


Munteen has tier 3 creatures everywhere though - isn’t that the idea of “survival” that the higher tier world you choose to live on the more difficult things would be, perhaps forcing more teamwork? 1 to kite and kill and 1 to build?

I havn’t been back to Munteen since the update but I can say none of these problems occur on the starter worlds.

It would be such a shame to take the challenge away for players that enjoy the survival aspec, I’d be more inclined to think players should be the ones to move to easier worlds than to nerf mobs on the hard worlds.

Edited to add because I thought about doing this myself: If you really want to go and live there I would personally mine & craft everything - including a lot of doors (the mobs will walk through open gaps), stone walls, crafting benches, everything else - prepare all this on another world. There’s no excuse with smart stacks not to prepare 1000 stone brick somewhere else. So then you can travel to Munteen dig out a basic area and then build a fortified base with doors within 20 minutes.


Its a YES to challenging, but a NO to impossible for me; challenge should be when you explore wilderness and maybe when you have a few first plots placed and only started building, but with some 20 plots placed and a 2 level building with most walls finished I think it would be better if I had some piece of mind guaranteed; its enough if I walk outside for a minute walk and get raped but within my own walls trying to put a few blocks, ah - its the first time I feel frustrated in Boundless, it was a great experience so far…

just imagine what happens when you lose your items on your death - its only a nuisance now cause you dont lose anything but later… hmmm

have just entered the area again through warp, placed some rocks in a workbench and managed to start crafting stones, maybe 30 seconds altogether and already heard them flying and quacking around, I was in the basement, although building is not finished so there are 2-3 ways to get in within the walls and as I climbed up to the ground level I had 3 of them on me and died - 1-2 minutes after getting to the area where I wanted to place some more floor; I only managed to put around 30 blocks of it over last hour or so - rest of the time is fighting them and dying; its just not good enough at the moment I think

EDIT as well;) - I do craft most on Therka and bring ready material in thousands, its just I had a long queue of stonecrafting at home so placed another one on Munteen as well

I don’t envey the life of a Dev… How do you make a game that is both accessible to everyone yet sill chalaging/rewarding/fun/original/everything gamers want (or think they want)?

I do understand your pain though… that’s not a very fun picture you painted, but the good news is that the game is still in development and im sure things will eventually get some balancing love with a healthy dose of polish =)

Hm i haven’t experience something like that but i guess it is actually fine

since when i think about how fast a gemstone slingbow kills those creatures, not to mention with the dmg upgrade.
and i think that can be expected from you when you try to live on these worlds.

When you build open structures ok this can be annoying, but closed one? why not finish the entrance first and close it? i get the feeling you are making it yourself harder as it is,

this would already way more easier if two people would be doing this and one of them guarding and huntin down the surroundings,

but i agree with one thing: creatures shouldn’t even gain aggression through walls, thats stupid i hope that gets solved, besides from that i also like the idea that creatures should try to avoid beaconed areas

I also vote for creatures avoid beaconed areas, maybe big creatures could attack inside beacons but would see them rarely. Maybe add skill that reduces aggro from 1% to 100% ?

I have that issue now on Nasharil. They won’t leave my door area so I can get out to even fight them. As for having a gem sling bow you have to be able to find gold to get the gems to make them. Buying them is rather expensive once you have reached lvl 50 miner. Money isn’t easy to come by.strong text

If a player hasn’t even found enough gold for a hammer and warp picker - I am not sure why they are would be thinking of settling down and building on Munteen.

I actually make a mistake in my earlier post - Munteen has a ton Tier 4 and 5 creatures, not tier 3 as I said. It is supposed to be extremely rough compared with tier 2-3 creatures on other planets.

I personally didn’t find it too bad but I only mined gleam for 3-4 hours, mine gleam, clear 2-3 mobs, mine gleam, clear 2-3 mobs & I died twice the entire time - it was enough time for me to say OK, this is a hard planet - I won’t be building here without progressing more, or bringing a team, or doing some really strong preparation.

I’d rather talk about mechanics such as crouching behind bushes to avoid them rather than asking the Devs to nerf tier 4-5 creatures.


This is something we’ve talked about recently because we want there to be worlds that are harder to survive and build on than others.

Here’s a simple explanation of what we are trying to achieve:

Easy worlds - No hostile creatures / the planet has basic and common resources
Medium worlds - Creatures are tougher and most are hostile / the planet has uncommon and rare resources
Hard worlds - Creatures are more hostile and harder to beat, also the atmosphere of the planet can deal damage or hinder the player with status effects / the planet has rare and exotic resources

The aim is to make easy worlds safe and habitable, but hostile worlds are more challenging which makes it rewarding for players who succeed in colonizing those worlds.

Right now the game does not tell you how tough a planet is, but when this system is added, hopefully players will have a better idea of what they are getting themselves into before they go there.

The other issue about creatures camping your home is another issue which would need to be addressed in some way because it does seem unfair.


Munteen is rock solid and the only things I’ve found after mining for 5 hours is copper and iron and the odd large fossil.

I agree about the cuttletrunks they start attacking you when when you can’t be seen like half way in a mountain and just stay there attacking until you kill them

Thing is I only started building cause I found a quiter place and I spent hours exploring Munteen mining etc and spitters plus hoppers were the only hostile creatures around. After spending hours building and after spending thousands of resources I log in to find the same place being infested by the flying ones. The update changed the place I know to a deadly one. There are moments I’m attacked by five of them and I don’t move. I’m attacked by one or two and within a minute it’s five of them. They have very large reacting distance or maybe they call each other. I dont know. Another thing is that at times there’s nothing on your radar and then you hear a sound of shooting and you die. There was one time I heard ONE sound of shooting and I died having 6000 hp. Either it was one shot killing me or other shots were silent. Damage info wasn’t even displayed. Should I mention being killed through the wall?

I think it would be incredibly rewarding to set up a safe colony/town on a hostile planet.

How about automated defenses of some sort (super high crafting tier maybe)? Whatever creatures that get killed by the defenses wouldn’t drop anything, so it wouldn’t be exploitable but could offer peace of mind while taking in the sights and or shops on the settled areas of harder planets.

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I was actually thinking about this last night as I was building on Munteen, and jokingly mentioned to my new neighbour @endymion, that someone should suggest “Automated Sentry Turrets” to ward off the seemingly never ending influx of Cuttletrunks we were experiencing…

…but thinking on it some more after reading this thread… it doesn’t have to be something that kills them, just something that wards them off for a while. Maybe some creatures could drop pheromone glands, that could then be crafted into a dispenser or something, which is then used to deter other certain types of creatures (basically not one-deterrent-fits-all!) from coming near you for a limited time.

For example, maybe Cuttletrunks are naturally scared of Stone Throwers… so if you manage to kill a Stone Thrower and get it’s glands, you could then use it to craft a musk dispenser to ward off Cuttletrunks. This could also be tier specific, so the higher tier the Stone Thrower gland, the higher tier the Cuttletrunk that is deterred.

Going one step (or maybe two) further, you could also use some plants to achieve the same type of results … also some pheromones may well work to deter, but they could also attract certain creatures as well.


I hear what you are saying but why don’t you build A perimeter wall around the area you are building as a quick fix. That is what I do always even when I build in minecraft so creepers wouldn’t get me at night when building. I know it is not the answer but it helps cause the spitter can reach you

Have great day

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Unfortunately that won’t work with the Cuttletrunks as they fly … works to some degree though, in that the Cuttletrunks should be the only thing you are dealing with and not all the creatures :wink:

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