Building Roads But Obeying Compactness

I’m following this b/c I’m getting a funky result from one of my road/bridge projects too and hope to get a more thorough understanding of how to do this right and well.

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The grid is 2d but the density is counted in 3d so that’s why, for instance, a road will often need to be 3 or more plots wide, but being 2 plots tall will always guarantee that it meets the criteria.

Because of that if you’re having trouble at a particular spot it’s often more effective to add a vertical plot, rather than spreading.

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Ah, good, good … what is 1/4 of a chunk?

… and, cheers, I had read this, mind. Oh, wait, no … I read the beacon update one.

It’s still a foreign language, mind. :sweat_smile:

This, though, is something that I had noted works well … even though I swear somewhere above there’s a mention that vertical compactness doesn’t count.

Anyway, yeah … I have a work around, I just wish there was a way to have ‘non-permanent’ beacons. Like, plot the roads, but if someone needs to move them around, they could elasticise a bit … or something.

ooh! this might solve all sorts of annoyances… thanks!

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This is true the compactness calculation isn’t concerned with plot density, only which plot columns are occupied (horizontal coverge).

The prestige/settlement system however considers plot density for its analysis of what is a “road plot” and thus what constitutes a valid settlement.