Building - what you think stops you

The main thing that stops me is boredom.

Not the same way that boredom stops you, though …

… unless … like me … you have ADHD and are frequently well off the meds when you play. :smirk:


Think that’s why I have so many unfinished projects I fluctuate between all of them to keep myself from getting bored with a single project


I get bored/lazy

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My bathetic amartia brings all the cards down

I was guessing I’d see this answer. I have “severe ADHD”, as it’s shown on my actual medical records. It doesn’t just affect me the way most might think, like I get distracted by a bird flying past my window. I’ll be building at a good rate then pretty much black out when it’s repetitive and next thing I know my PS4 is ready to shut down automatically because I haven’t moved in 50 minutes. I’ll go to my build storage or all the way to my workshop and forget why I’m there, think about other stuff, forget that I forgot to grab what I needed, then go back to my build where I remember immediately. I’m also known for staring at my builds for hours, because my only form of planning is envisioning the next part physically being there, but I’d say 20% of that time is spent visualizing.

So I also get bored. Despite how little time I spend building, relative to time spent playing, I think I get exhausted psychologically as if I’ve been building the whole time and the last thing I feel like doing is chiseling a thousand blocks.

I also lose my chisel rhythm after extended runs and start hitting the wrong blocks and having to do them again. And for no xp. Nothing is more frustrating than that and it usually ends my night.


Yeah I tell people “I’m Clumsy” all the time, and it’s sort of true. But also put minor small motor control issues with trying to do stuff at like 10FPS and chiseling is a nightmare. I was SO HAPPY when they added unchisel.

Anyways when people ask in the future I might just tell them that my amartia leaves me bathetic :rofl:

Right now I amn’t buildin’ due to not being sure what I want, if anything. I actually stripped everything back to raxxa and my first mall shops to minimize the number of things I was thinking about. But once you get to building on a “grand” scale it’s also hard to get back to basics, heh.

For now I just hover around. Spent most of my coins but I’m honestly thinking about finding some people who like to build and seeing if they want to build me some stuff. Functional builds in different styles, or something.

This isn’t meant as criticism to boundless at all, since this was my first voxel game. But it turns out I’m just not ‘a builder’. It’s good though I found other fulfillment here. Usually. I honestly consider my greatest achievement in Boundless to be the knowledge that I’ve put millions of blocks into other people’s builds. By now that’s probably tens of millions.


I think this is good skill.
I do this too… Altough i dont stare so.


Yup I can be on boundless all day and place only a few blocks. But I’m fine with that as its still the part of boundless i like.

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The box thing is something I’m working to overcome in my building too, everything I build turns into a box. :joy:

I do better with interiors and underground chambers, making good exteriors is a lot tougher for me. I think I’d do better if we had more furniture and decorations to work with, since that would play into my strength and I’d do more building to deck out. I could use the inspiration provided by our really talented folks here like at The Smelly Couch, but then the other block… with building, I can be kind of lazy. :laughing:


Aye … all of this, too.

I was being glib before … but this speaks to my soul. :smirk: :

I’m … I think I’m the opposite.

I never really build with any plan more than what’s in my head … and then I obviously create problems from this. Especially since all of my builds are as compact as possible.

This does, however, leave a bit of inspiration for building … instead of just following the instructions on how to build the lego spaceship, I just made a MUCH cooler one! ( to me … everyone else hated it :laughing: )

It means that I get to find stuff out, and since everything (even the most simple thing) is basically an experiment, the feeling of discovery is awesome, too. :slightly_smiling_face:

Mostly, I just really like having a cool idea, and trying to realise it.

I still have a doozey, but GRAND admin has gone a bit quiet, so I might look elsewhere for the space. :slight_smile: (no harshness there)


What stops me from building is this dumb weather on Angel I… who’s bright idea was it making it snow 365 days a year. I know I can somewhat turn it off by activating my plot lines but c’mon its a pain in the rear to build when everything turns white around you… REALLY need an option to turn this feature off (without carrying a forged weather tool).

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I love all weather effects, but always advocated tuning some down. Some home worlds that are supposed to be more player-friendly and less challenging are just either rain or snow all the time.

The game could use some sort of seasons btw - so it stops switching between all possible effects randomly. So there are several sunny days (a few real time hours), then maybe a couple of cloudy days with rainy spells, and a winter time for some in-game days (could be mild winter with snow sometime but mostly rain and fog and cloudy days).
What’s the point of having rain, snow, rain, a bit of sun and rain again over just one single boundless day?

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I don’t mind if it happens here and there but it’s like a constant snowy day… sunny break for like a min (if lucky) then blizzard conditions… maybe building an underground city will be my next adventure in the future :joy:


Comrade! Brother!

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omg I can’t wait for the snow to come back, I love love love love love snowy bright winters

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@Solgato I should flag you just because you said that :rofl:


Same goes for those that love foggy weather :wink:.

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@Tmmk FLAG!! FLAG!!! lol I hate that pesky foggy weather!! lol

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Great thing about everything turning white around you helps you identify the holes around you when your building

Great thing about fog is it helps you identify building with glass in the Darkness especially Black glass

Rain I like cause it calming on a rough day


If you’re on PC, you can go in the settings and turn the weather visuals off.

Edit: I meant to say you can go into the file settings for the json file named weather and change the data. But remember to keep a copy of the original file just in case.

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