Buugi appreciation thread

why full quit? Could have just gone away.

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Sometimes you have toā€¦ i guess he is loving the game way to much, so just stoping it would make him returning and just continueing as before. A total break with deleting everything keeps himself away.
Sometimes the only possible solution.
Look what @Mittekemuis wrote, with this information i can understand his decision fully.


To him since he deleted his characters, if he ends up being able and willing to come back this will be like a new universe to him. Optional wipe as it were.

I will miss Buugi, I know he has a lot of obligations at home and I hope he is well, I always thought that boundless was his escape.

Buugi was one of the names I quickly came to know when I started in boundless. Never got to play with him much, but he was someone I often saw and familiar friendly faces always make me smile.

You know what guysā€¦he would say this is too much drama :grinning:

I say letā€™s build a tree big ass buugi style at aquatopia. Put storage inside and collect all known colours leaves in there for when he comes back.

It will be greatly appreciated!


Thats a wonderful idea!
I am with you!

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I plan on replacing his tree in iLLn with a dedication. I was really sad to see it goneā€¦ but, this game is fluid. Nothing will be there foreverā€¦ itā€™s as if the game is a living, breathing organism. :heartpulse:


I love this idea and would love to participate, Iā€™m going to miss the guy and something like this would just blow his mind if he ever gets to come back and find it.


Best of luck @Buugi Until we meet again!


We can put it in his tree on buugi plaza also thatā€™s why I made the thread to make his beard curl up lol gonna look to set it up so people can dispose offerings to his last tree remaining :slightly_smiling_face:


Hereā€™s one of my first dealings with The Buug. Taken from the ā€œCommunity Praise :+1:ā€ thread from months ago:

Never hung out with him in game, but did chat quite a bit on discord. A seriously great guy that one!


Thank you all for the kind words.
And @DKPuncherello im not that oldā€¦ 29 to be exactā€¦ lol.


@Buugi I grew it back out for you. You are very special to me and to this community. You are super solid and Iā€™d always go to bat for you. You are always welcome to sneak back on and hang with me at the mansion. No matter what, blessings upon you.

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Still you are the grumpy old man in my heart :heart::kissing_heart::heart_eyes:

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