Buy plinths bugged (important)

be careful with your BUY plinths guys - i just came across one at therka buying iron hammers @boundmore

And i had a stack of nine broken ones - and as a test tried selling one by one - it would not work. But i was able to sell a nine stack.

Looks like you can sell broken tools - this is a very massive oversight/loophole in my opininon and now every one knows about this it could be taken advantage of before fixed

I have already notified @boundmore that i did this as a test and now owe him the coin i received from the sale


what if the coin received was equal to the percent of damage it has remaining. so if you sold a hammer (35% durability remaining) to a plinth offering 100 coin, you would only get 35 coin

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ok so the true math of the plinth in question was 90c per hammer sold - i sold nine broken to that plinth for a total of 810 which is the full asking price so - currently it is a massive (unfair) loophole - but yes an idea like that would maybe sort it out

I would suggest buying damaged tools an option and selling them too. Just like you can select color specific values. You could do durability specific. If you selected it, it would apply a percentage, just as you guys suggested.

But if you didn’t check it. You could only buy and sell undamaged tools.


yes but currently i am trying to figure out if this was already intended as it is now or currently a bug but the idea of having an option for dmgd tools? as long as we can repaire/melt them down in the future is a good one @Dzchan94

Otherwise as above + what would you do with broken tools? especially the basic ones which take one hit before dying

well, in a price like that no one would want broken tools right? I’ve been robbed! :joy:

For real though: I think I know what happened. I used almost broken iron hammer to set the price as it was the only one I had on me at that moment.
Which asks for a different method of setting buying plinths - at the moment I need to have an item I want to buy to create a request. It begs for a full list of in-game items that can be browsed, so a player can request anything that exists in game.

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ahh that would make sense actually… maybe its because i had 2x broken hammers of the same breakage that your hammer was at etc - so it was able to sell the stack etc.

SO it looks like that if you put a broken tool as a buy order you recieve a broken tool HAHAHA :stuck_out_tongue: makes sense - so i owe you nothing @boundmore that money was mine fair and square - you wanted to buy broken - you bought broken muhahaha

but seriously i do not mind refunding you dude :stuck_out_tongue:

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you owe me 810 plus 8100 for emotional damage :smiling_imp:


Thanks for the information, your feedback will be passed along to the designers.

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