Buying 1800 rough oortstone at 300c each

as title says buying 1800 rough oortstone at 300c each
thank you


Wow so tempting

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I would say go for it…u are allowed just this time i wont tell anyone :rofl:


i got some oort to get ya

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I have around 1.3k to sell to you. PM me @Decklan ingame.

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Update: i have all 1.8k oort if you still want to buy for 300c each

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the speculations are that the price of oort is going to rise. better to hold on to them and try to sell them for a higher price

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Why would the price of oort rise so much? As I understand it this time the event is only on t3 lush planets.

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Yea I’ve taken that into consideration. Our guild does daily hunts though, so I don’t mind supplying immediate oort. As of now we have 2k in stock (unless someone decides to buy from our shop). Which is about 2-3 hunts worth in rough oortstones.


because maybe there are still hunts going on. but some of the hunts are going to be gleambow hunts and the amount of people will be gleambow hunters since that is temporary

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Meh…i will still get my daily amount regardless

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i do still want to buy them yes thanks, i was busy so sorry for the late reaction
where do i meet you @Knellie ?

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I am based on Storis 2. You can reach me via multiple portals: I have direct portals to guardian US west, PS grov (left of J&B’s Habadashery) as well as a portal to Enjoy Divinity shop in Biitula. I also have direct portals to Giggleswick on storis 2 as well as Yamaska on Minorengle. Sorry I didn’t reply sooner, I am PST so i was probably asleep.

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no problem bud, on my way

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Boundless crashed, I have to relog

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