Buying a bunch of basic supplies

I’m stocking up for a big event, and i’m looking for the following basic supplies:

Silty soil: 0.5c (looking for 40ss total)
Sand: 0.5c (looking for 40ss total)
Fleshy leaf: 3c (looking for 8ss total)
Reactive lamella: 30c (looking for 4ss total)

Will set up request baskets for these if i cant do a few big deals :slight_smile:

My sap stands are empty again (took three days this time) but I can do you for 20ss @4c most days. I plan to fill all my stands again tonight instead of mining.

I also have more than 50ss of trunk in my shop for .33c right now.

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Literally just cleared 2 of your stands of trunks :slight_smile:

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And i’ll gladly take sap off your hands when you get some :slight_smile:

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Love to hear it :grinning:

Not sure of your time zone but there’s 29 stacks there now. I’ll probably grab another 15 or so tonight.

What does as stand for sorry still new to the forums

@Kiananna… SS = Smart Stack

Ahh okay th for the reply

He’s in Australia…

Where is your shop?

Directions are in the first post there. Sorry for the delay I’ve been asleep :slight_smile:

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Nightstar u are a sap and bark machine…never seen anyone else that produces as much as u do…it’s awesome

Sap and trunks sorted!

Still looking for the rest :slight_smile: