Buying Cold Berry Sand From Exo “Chen”

Not sure what prices are for current exo (Chen) world sand
But I have 100k in a basket buying sand at 5c each

Location - Jacey’s Shopping Mall (Eresho)

Only 2 people buying sand on Eresho so if you use the knowledge to search for it you will find it easier.
If not you can go to:
-1,536N -1,133E Alt 74


Nice, that is a good price for me, definitely worth holding onto for you then, can pay for my trips selling what I get mining! :slight_smile:

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@JaceyLive You are down to 38500 in the request basket. Ahh Thank you.


@JaceyLive You got 28k left in you request basket but it is full and cannot accept any more. I have 2900 more if you want it.


I’ll put a few more baskets down in a few minutes at the same location, thank you :blush:

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Baskets restocked, buying 72,000 sand at 5c each

Just went and sold you 9k sand! :slight_smile:

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Thank you :blush:

Sold you another 5400

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Thank you :blush:

Finally hit 500k in coin (at one time) thanks to @JaceyLive. Sold him a bunch of sand. FYI you have about 1500 left you can buy I cleared out the rest of the request baskets. Thank you for the coin.

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Thank you for filling them up haha & thanks to anyone else who’s helped fill them up. Really appreciate it :ok_hand:t3:

Exo xpo should have some normally after the planet leaves. Biitula ps hub.

How much for?

The prices are normally pretty cheap. 1 or 2 more coins than normals blocks. Ok around 4 coins im told. Im not managing my own shop lol.

should be 5 or 6 stacks out now with 18 more stacks in storage.