Buying extra plots only after level 15

IMO i think GC broke the balance of “refreshing” the world. i understand the company needs money to keep the machine working but it think it could have been more in buyable “skin”.

Back in EA people were complaining about sensibly the same issue. Fuel time were too long(could go to 6 months back then with only fueling with leaves.) Then i think the current fueling setup of 4, 8, 12 weeks was a great balance.

Then GC appeared. This removed all the purpose of this balance.I am not saying i hate it since i am using it myself so i do not have to care about fueling my beacons. I think this brought more bad than good things.

IMO if you can’t play during the 3 months to refuel in a mmo/openworld/sandbox game, you do not deserve these plots anymore.

And i am talking for myself in this. if i would not play this game for 3 month straight and don’t have the heart to refuel my things, then i deserve to lose everything i have earned and worked on for months and give the place or items to someone who will play with it.

We had the same issue in EA where it had many unused plot by player who were trying the game then leaving right after. When they implemented that fuel balance it fixed that. Inactive players plots were disappearing under a month and give the place for someone else.

Then GC came in for launch and the issue is back.


Yeah, GC breaks it pretty badly IMO. Without GC most of these problems would solve themselves.

Maybe GC could at least require regular logins, and just take care of fueling? Still, keeping unvisited beacons fueled remains as a problem…

Tier 3 beacon fuel is all you need. It’s basically 3 months of giving no cares. All you have to do is check in once a week to remind yourself when the fuel marker ends and have fuel ready on hand or if you really want to be inefficient about it, just 3 month refill it when it gets to the 3-4 week mark.

Getting rid of gleam club is not going to fix the problem everyone seems to be complaining about. I’d be willing to bet most folks that they’re complaining about aren’t even using gleam club.

It’s fine, means you are reachable etc… i am talking about people who join the game then leave 1 weeks after or people quit the game then leave the plot here. It would solve a part of it not all for sure.

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the thing is i dont know if GC will get touched cuz any changes to the fuel benefit risks GC subs tanking

Personally I wouldnt want gc touched. Especially because some players use it for the time they know they would be away for 6 months or more. I.e. deployed etc.

Also if gc does get touched it will anger some players since they put in money into it at tmwhat it is currently with current expectations from gc.

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Yeah we asked got gc in beta no problems with it