Buying rough oort for 450c

if you won’t be able to buy oorts due to Host, move to The Future and build behind one of region exp portal - you will have free portal forever :smiley:


the future is always 1 step ahead…

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10 chars

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so that would be 405k for a SS… a tempting offer to be sure…

lol… it reminds me those Oort Bank from PS hidden portal to Oort storage :smiley:
it was Oort Knox :smiley:
bet it was GorillaStomp reclaim :smiley: ask him to sell you part of his hidden treasure :smiley:


Tempting indeed. Last time I made a big push for oort was a couple of years ago, and I made 2 stacks of compact in anticipation of 249 :rofl:

I hunt occasionally and get random roadrunners or dormants, but I think honestly my portals are still burning these for the most part.

During the course of that thread the “going” price for oort went from 175-ish to over 300.As a matter of some coordinated action, heh.

I went back to gathering them directly and quit around 18 stacks. It’s similar now to what it was then though. There’s no oort shortage. People have massive hoards. If someone wants to fill their cabinet(s) quickly they may offer well over market price.

If it takes long enough for this order to fill that small players run out and start competing the price will stay there though.

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I used to run around and sell all my Oort to people and even played the market on it for a bit. I think with the smaller player population Oort is a little harder to come by at least in the market.

There are more than enough hunts though. I know I had went on at least 4-5 hunts last week between all the great hunt leaders as of late it’s been nice. Quinzel, Vikings, Gizmo, Oortbusters, and any number of others I might have forgot to mention.

Not everyone goes on hunts though so I assume that is where things like this 400+ price point comes into play.


Its a good thing and a bad thing, those that are not hunting really are forced to buy their oort and yeah that means buying at a increased price. But those that do hunt can sell at a higher price, now its tough really tough to throw money back in the market this way. When you want to give people more coin for oort you also create a problem

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Right I’m just pointing out that it’s due to a market factors not any shortage of the commodity.

There’s no pressure to sell so if you want supply and need to create velocity from the buy side you add price incentive. “Big Buys” happen in a lot of market sectors, IRL and in Boundless. The long term effect depends on reactions over time more than initial impressions.

If a few people came and filled the baskets this order would be, in retrospect, just a large/generous buy. But if it sits there for weeks and nobody wants to sell to it for whatever reason, then like I mentioned smaller budgets will be forced to compete on price and it will move the market.

Personally, getting low on oort pushes me to hunt, not shop. So I’m mostly a spectator in this market.


It looks like the shard market also reflects Boundless’ web of mixed incentives atm.

About 30k coins there ready for someone to arb.


ooh, there’s no shortage at all!

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If things slow down too much add some shard baskets. I know I have less than 5 SS of rough but also ~158k shards. And someone is paying almost 10% more than you there while the seller keeps the (considerable) XP.


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I have been on Storis II since I began playing, my original build is still standing. No shade on those who like to move and rebuild all the time, I just like that I can still go and sit in my first ever garden and watch the play of sunlight and moonglow.

What HOST offers is different, I like being independent, I’m happy to share portals and buffs with others if they love Storis enough to build here - but I don’t expect help and I long ago accepted that with my physical limitations, being connected to the rest of Boundless would mean harvesting beans - so that is simply part of the game for me. I was just making a terrible pun on HOST’s terrible pun about seeing the future, lol.

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i know believe me :slight_smile:
i was also joking :smiley:


If I had the oort I would sooo do that for the coin :joy:

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I think it’s safe to say that Oort is worth more than (any amount of) coin for a lot of players at this point, which accounts for some of the price increase.
Getting another 1-2 million coin wont change my Boundless life at all, but running out of, or low on Oort sure would drastically change it :wink:

I hope you get your Oort Host!


Exactly you know what im talking about. Coins dont mean nothing, what would i do with it when i cant get my hands on oort? I don’t hunt so for me doing a hunt is like doing something you dont like doing and that can spoil a gameplay haha. And thank you i hope so too :blush: :pray:

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Is rough oort really this much nowadays? Holy hell :roll_eyes:

I remember When it was like… Wanna trade my stacks of rocks For your 200shards. Lol :joy:


Are the baskets full or you do not want more?

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I took out the coins to buy on a different location.
Ill be online soon :upside_down_face:

could not find a better suitable location, using the old area, baskets refilled

took a bit longer, at the moment of adding my son wanted some attention :slight_smile:
