Buying Sovereign Worlds is Not Very Enjoyable

I can’t say I have ever just sat there and actually felt ripped off or that any of my sovereigns were not the “right roll” as you put it.

Sovereigns are not for everyone and that’s obvious and I once had about 20 floating out there. Each one was unique enough for me to keep and in the end I kept a good many of them just so I could access the colors and change them both for myself and for other people. That alone made it worth it for me.

While your comparison had nothing to do with toxicity, sovereigns do provide a place away from the possibility of toxicity as for private servers for other games. I have ran numerous private servers for a lot of games that have had high toxicity (Rust, DayZ, 7 Days to Die) and a bunch of other games. Sovereigns give you that privacy.

I understand this. On the positive side here no one NEEDS a sovereign. To your points:

Sovereigns are not expensive as compared to other games out there. Really there is only the initial cost of Boundless that you have to pay for everything else is really just premium content. This includes Gleam Club, Sovereigns and a few other things, but you don’t HAVE to pay for anything except the game.

I get this too! But you cannot pick and choose your colors or have an entire planet for just you and/or your friends to play on and build without anyone else impeding on you. Is that worth the cost? I suppose that is just opinion.

I am not sure I ever felt cheated when rolling a sovereign but hey I never kept rolling Sovereigns because I was unhappy, I kept rolling to see if I could do better each time not that I was unhappy with any of them overall.

I agree though the actual creation system is subpar.

Lastly if you are a bubget gamer which I was for a very very long time, buying premium content no matter the cost usually won’t entice you.

All just my opinion.


When I was “rolling sovereigns” it was first to try and get rock colors that the develops finally explained were never going to appear. That is information that should have been provided by the developers from the start in my opinion. This was a total waste of money on my part that I would not have spent with the information finally provided.

After that it was to get a planet that had the biomes and geography that I wanted to build on. Unfortunately again, how the biomes worked together and influenced the geography of adjacent biomes was something we as players had to figure out after spending a great deal of money. The community is at least focused on helping each other enough, that they did come up with guidance to help those getting a planet to at least have a better shot at getting something acceptable.

I find the process extremely frustrating if you are trying to “roll” for a planet to build on and wasted a good deal of money trying to get something acceptable. If I was just wanting something interesting to explore then I might feel different. As it is, I understand the desire to reroll if you get something totally unacceptable for the money spent.


Agreed… I guess its also my stress relief, after a difficult week at work some people go out and spend $50+ at a bar, but for me rolling a sov for $10 on Thursday after work and then spending the weekend exploring it is much better for my brain.


Many community members have literally spent thousands of dollars trying to find which rolls produce remotely good materials, which is basically a super expensive lootbox system. It’s not just “$10 on a thursday”.

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I am one of them =) … its my choice, and I have enjoyed it… you may not and that’s ok.


I don’t think anything is making people spend money… but it’s ok, I will continue doing my thing and support the game my way. I will see myself out of this thread as I don’t think I have anything more to say that will add to it going forward.


I am curious who is spending thousands.


While a minor part of your poll is saying the system is perfect, the majority of it say it needs a revamp. What that revamp entails is probably pretty different across the board. Like someone mentioned the poll itself leans a bit more to the negative.

With that said, most people think it’s ok with a revamp (myself included) I would like a revamp of the actual creation of it so I can see the biomes I am selecting better and maybe some information of exactly what those biomes have in them.

RNG doesn’t make people spend thousands, people CHOOSE to spend thousands and I am sure it’s for varying reasons. Maybe it’s fun, a stress relief, they want to support the game… whatever the reason they spend it because they want to and can.

I’ve spent my share, but I never kept spending the money because of RNG or the fact I got the worst planet ever as I can say that has ever happened.

That said,

Could the creation system be better? Yup!
Do you have to spend thousands? Nope!
Do you have to spend anything on a Sov? Nope!
Is it a premium service and should it be? Yup!

If and when local servers come along maybe, you can roll all the planets you want to your hearts content. Albeit separate from the main community universe which is why I play the game.

I too shall bow out as I feel this thread has come to an end.


I like the system, only thing i would change is when choosing a higher tier Biome to not have to pick a biome in every category. I would like to pick just the available ones up to that tier but sometimes there are biomes in a category that i don’t want but am forced to pick one in order to complete my request. (somehow i get that biome lol) If there was an option for a section that maybe doesn’t have a biome you would even choose to be able to just skip it would be great. I Like having a high tier planet but sometimes don’t want all the extra biomes.


Yup. we’re all sheep. Toiling for the man. OR we know what we like…one of the two :wink:

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Well that was fun while it lasted. Seeing as I have now been tracked down and harassed in DMs on multiple platforms with slurs and now a threat of real violence, I am just clearing all my replies and unwatching this post now.

Best of luck to everyone. Sorry for the sour replies on my part, but you’d feel the same way if you had received the same messages today.

@majorvex I think this thread should be closed before it gets anymore toxic…

I refuse to use most google services that require an account so that bars me from ever ordering an sov.

The Community has spent 1000s of USD on worlds to try to unlock colors and still the colors I would like to use are locked.

Each and every time I thought about maybe considering buying a sov, both the fact there are colors I still can’t pick, and the google document system, instantly makes me not want to do it.

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I got a few sovereigns for some reason, the main reason is farms farms farms! i love to do community projects to make gaming easier and more enjoyable for many. then the region XP area which I started some years ago and had to let go of due to many reasons, 1 of them was a lack of players 2nd the planet was a tier 3 so not really newbie friendly. so the planet got replaced with a tier 1

then another reason is, no matter where I build I’m always seen as a threat…OOOH NO! ITS HOST he’s going to take over the planet! :rofl: always makes me laugh.

but making a region xp area/ farms on a homeworld is pretty tough without getting hate


Or a set of hunting platforms tbh. Lots of drama :scream: