
Hi everyone, I have deleted my main beacon and everything inside is free to take. I know you all hate to see a build go but I have thought about it and this is the right thing for me to do. General working hours for me is 45-50 and these can be a mix of day and night shifts and often feel too tired to play or even remember to refuel beacons. I sadly just don’t have the time to play.
I really appreciate everyone I have met in-game, it’s been really fun meeting you all and I wish you all the best. I’ve really enjoyed building in this game and running a shop better than any other game and I’ve had a blast. I’ve put in around 9500 hours in this game which for me is unheard of, so just goes to show how much I loved playing.
P.s don’t be sad about it please I’m not :joy:


You should let it reclaim so you have something to work with when you decide to come back.


I’m honestly happy for the shop to go. If I ever did get the urge to come back it would be purely for building rather than running a shop at the same time.
As for the building itself I was planning to get rid of it for months. I have always ashed my main builds in the past and then rebuilt them so the build isn’t a loss for me.
I really appreciate people saving it but I don’t think I be back anytime soon.

I would like to say this is the nicest community in a game I have ever experienced. I have met some of the kindest people and even those I have never much spoke too who run around helping people with materials, request baskets, farms and portal networks. You are a massive help to the community and the game in general I salute you.


My friend, we have secured it for you. If you feel like it and have time to build again, just let us know, we have made it secure and everything will stay as it is. so you get your material back


You will be greatly missed and it was a honor not just to meet you and talk to you but a honor I got to build with you. It was awesome how we thought alike to the point to was scary in the best way :rose::heart: hope life treats you well :face_holding_back_tears: but your always welcome to come back of course :heart:


Sorry to see you go. I personally would have ashed it.

Removes the temptation of coming back too soon. Much luck to you :slight_smile:


Love the build. Go all the time for inspiration. Really sad to see you go. :heart:


sad to see you go, but glad you have been here - have loved the inspiration from your builds.


Oh my that’s tough. I’ve done mixed days and nights for 2 years only long ago and it was a killer.
Don’t run yourself into the ground there…

Mainly I want to say this though:
:sob: :cry: :sob: :cry: :sob: :cry: :sob: :cry: :sob:


You will be greatly missed… please take care of yourself!


Hands blitz a farewell :cookie: I will always be around to help if you decide to return someday :heart: