Can I get a clarification of rules here?

Common sense and communication goes a long way.

Jealousy… just ignore. As James stated before people should grow a thicker skin when silly things happen.

Follow the simple rules and if needed, report people.
If people did the wrong thing then it will be corrected by Devs or even get (temp) banned.

It is not that complicated and @Tiggs can help out for sure.

Be happy and have fun !!! :smiley: :+1:


I would just use the reasonable person standard. Would a reasonable person think that doing X was right or wrong. If you have trouble assessing that for yourself, maybe find a reasonable person and ask them before you decide to do something you are not sure about.


No one here is in a position to dictate anything.
No one here should order you to play this way or that way.
We all have to respect the rules, not adapt them to our whims.
Everyone is free to build in their own way and according to their own abilities.

Some people get to the point where they have to spy on others and complain? Is this a joke?

I’ve come to the point where I forbid my children to interact with others for fear they’ll be reported for nothing, because some people are allergic to social interaction or to kids.

Don’t be surprised if the player base doesn’t grow, it’s normal, we’re all responsible for what happens.


Totally. It’s not a kids friendly game. Most people expect an adult in front of them but actually we shouldn’t not expect nor assume anything at all.

Amen to that. Said it already in the past but some people don’t like to be told they carry a shared responsibility.


I have an Allergic reaction to social interaction but :heart: you all the same :cookie::cookie::cookie:

As one that likes having Viceroy I also already Miss having another person that challenges me to prestige battle (that person knows who he is i miss you neighbor :sob: :sob: :sob:) it’s Alot of motivation “Lost” to Build Bigger, Greater, and More Amazing Structures :joy: :cookie::heart::hugs:


seems i know what to do… :smirk:

i will take that 1% of that planet thats left…

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You got one from @Tiggs. She is one of the Devs working at Monumental. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :roll_eyes: :man_facepalming:

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face: probably my HSE guild hall I haven’t even finished after 4 years. Been popping over there from time to time to work on the interior ad nauseam. Crazy how much more creatively draining interiors are on me, compared to the giant buildings they’re in.

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Ok then please point to where she confirmed plotting rules? or whats considered encroaching? I’ll wait for it. maybe I missed it.

Why are you posting that Im here to get a public response so everyone can see. Please just stop.

Ok at this point youre trolling I asked you nicely to stop.Youve personally msged me and now you trolling my post so yeah maybe I will use the support link if you keep on this path.

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Tiggs (Monumental Employee) and MajorVex (Forums Moderator appointed by Monumental) already answered your question. Please scroll up and read what was said. The rules are worded the way they are because it is impossible to write every single possible issue. That is why they say contact the Dev’s via email for any issues you find or think is an issue and they will review.



no they didnt sorry

At this point you are trolling. Please stop.

@majorvex can you close this?

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who are you?

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