1.Why do we have plot buffers if the game is Boundless? I thought it was to buffer you from others getting to close and closing you in? If thats what theyre for any unplotted terrain I want to build on should be able to be plotted by someone as long as they arent surrounded yes?
2.Does viceroy of a public planet mean I must never build more than the current Viceroy holder?
3.If the Viceroy holder feels threatened by someone building bigger then them can they in turn go to a developer or GM and get this threat removed? If so that is really not a fair rule thats a hierarchy hardly conducive to fair play and sportsman like behavior.
I just need clarification of rules officially not any snide tirades by those Im sure really like hierarchies.
Thank you so much for listening.Its just time this gets cleared up because the rules I read and the ones in game seem off or maybe out dated IDK.
You can turn the buffers on and off. If you don’t care if people connect up to you, you can turn them off. If you want to stop people in general from connecting to you then turn them on.
You can build more than the current Viceroy holder. You just cannot deliberately connect to other people without their permission in order to suck up their prestige into your own build and take over by making it part of your own city.
As long as you aren’t doing anything sneaky, I don’t think the devs are going to remove you for having more prestige. The viceroy thing just gives you the ability to name the capital. It really isn’t a big deal.
By sneaky I mean…say someone has a bunch of beacons in their build and they have plot protection turned on on all of them except one that they missed. It would be sneaky to run around looking for that one vulnerable spot, connect to them there and suck up their prestige into your own city.
I think it is just best to use the golden rule. If you wouldn’t want someone doing it to you, don’t do it to them.
Fair competition is fair game, though. If you go and build your own city and get more prestige, fair game. If you get a bunch of friends together and all team up to make a big city with more prestige, that is also fair game.
How would something be appropriate handled by devs if a person doesnt turn on plot protection but someone else is building nearby? (No connection of both settlements). Older settlement though, doesn’t like to have a closeby neighbor, yet still refuses to turn on plot protection for the buffer, nor plot a bit further out to keep people more distanced. Is that a case or not? The old settlement allowes people to plot against them, so they shouldnt complain about it, since in boundless one can plot technically where ever one wants as long as its not rule breaking (surrounding a settlement from all sides for example)
And now how would it be different handled if old settlement simply forgot to turn on the protection?
I’m not talking about the other person connecting. I’m talking what do you expect devs to do?
I think you’ll need to email support@playboundless.com for a direct response. I don’t think they’ll respond direct in the forums since they only offer support via that email now.
I think game rules should be clear and concise and posted for all to see. From what Ive read the only rule to building/plotting is to not surround another player so as they are unable to expand and do not connect those that dont want to be connected.
If someone just doesnt like you and builds on the same PUBLIC planet that hardly is threatening behavior on the contrary it creates competition and makes the world itself even more beautiful. What a better way to make a world a better place then to have more beautiful builds for all to see?
What fellow citizens mentioned holds true, and Monumental has the final say on any potential removals. Given our small audience, our main goal is to ensure the game remains enjoyable for everyone!
Competition is enjoyable to some but a threat to some as well depending on the perceived. Its the job of a GM /Dev to make things fair and honest.Some ppl dont enjoy being outdone by better builders you cant fix that. Some ppl dont like having their Viceroy-ship challenged so thats not enjoyable but YOU cant fix that either without killing the spirit of the game. If they really JUST wanted to be viceroy and not be bothered by fellow player plots that is where you would suggest maybe if youre unhappy (salespitch) Buy your own planet and that alleviates the problem right?
The truth here is the game has rules in place already plot buffers, No surrounding another player ect. I dont enjoy lack of updates or developer future plans BUT I accept that I can enjoy the game as is. You cant fix that for me or can you? lol.
But seriously I know I dont wanna run afoul of a raging group with pitchforks out to get me and be at their mercy because I know the squeeky wheel gets the grease and its easier to cater to the mob then to find truth and justice.
I would like to know if theres support from the devs side when it comes to name-shame, offense, bullying, trolling, griefing etc.
I need to know, because I’m leading and working on a community project. If I cant expect any support or even getting in return threatened with a ban because i try to lead an active market on a sovereign which could cause some tempers to some folks,… i feel forced to give up on doing something for the community.
When it comes to community projects, it’s essential to lead with a friendly approach rather than imposing yourself onto others. Asking people if they’d like to join is always a positive move. Inviting collaboration is much better than unintentionally coming across as hostile by taking over someone’s space. Remember, there’s ample room for everyone’s ideas and contributions!
Now now, but if the sovereign owner is approaching a person and the person doesnt react to it intentionally, theres not much friendly approach one can do (reclaiming is surely not considered friendly). So i shall in other words accept what results from that which means trolling, grieving, name-shame, bully etc. towards the planet owner/market leader? Because theres no support in those cases from the dev team?
I will restate. What are the GAME RULES about plotting on public worlds? period. Just that needs clarification for us all. I just wanna know If I plot somewhere legitimately and a player doesnt like me or unhappy and goes to you with some made up story am I in peril. Could be a guild whos members complain and Im just 1 guy. Do I have no recourse. I see this happen in many instances. Thats why I posted the original topic and you havent really answered it .
this nonsense is the same reason i stopped playing couple years ago. the reason why the game is vacant. the reason no new planets spawn. game made worlds belong to noone. the space on them belongs to noone until plotted. plot buffers were added to stop linking settlements. i dont understand the complaints about people building. do we not want to fill every planet with builds? do we not want to build bigger and better communities? are there not sovereign worlds? its a game about building. so build. you should never be done building if you care about viceroy or take pleasure in building games. pretty simple. if its a mechanic in the game you dont like, change it, or play the game how it was made. rules cant be decided on daily WHIMS!
The original Devs added this based on community feedback as a tool to aid complex social environments and provide a way for “preventive measures” to griefing behaviors observed in the first few months of the Live game. It was a bit of a broad tool, and is completely optional, but are you suggesting it’s an issue?
Viceroy is just the current prestige leader of a planet, nothing more. Early communication from the original Devs suggested they would get to set tax rates on the planet, but that was never implemented to my knowledge so it’s really just a status symbol and nothing more.
If ANY player see’s griefing behavior they can report it, status of Viceroy wouldn’t have any weight as an investigation would determine if rules are being broken.
As to the question if “building bigger” is greifing, it is only bad behavior if you are breaking rules (i.e. crowding out neighbors by surrounding them, inappropriate language, or other code of conduct violations). Simply building a bigger castle with higher prestige blocks, isn’t in and of itself breaking rules, it’s playing the game…