Can somebody explain me farming?

I already tried must of the seeds, and I really don’t understand at this point how is it possible to make your farm slowly grow when it seem that almost all news plants give less seeds than what I use to plant it, so my farm is just dieing and dieing. I tried everything like tooltip say.
Example: I dd farm a tons of goo kernel on Exo planet for hours then as the tooltip say I use a Gleam to plants it in (Gleam increase Yield) then I put GRowth near it increase the “seed” I endup with those numbers…:

Crop yield 0%, Seed Yield 78%,
So I remove the Growth, I end up with those new numbers:…
Crop yield 15%, Seed Yield 75%,… 3% less but I get crops now…
Last tried I full every single place around goo with Growth I ends up with those numbers:
Crop yield 0%, Seed Yield 90%,

At first I thougth: ok I will get 1 seeds and 90% chance to get 1 extra to keep my farm working, but no… I actually have a 90% chance to get 1 seeds… so I’m actually losing 10% of my farm everytime…

Note: I maxed out all new farming skills which only add 20% yield, and give you access to all seeds it seem…

At this moment I’m pretty disapointed at this patch, I have been playing since 7-8months and most patch were amazing and I thougth this one would be the best of all, then I saw my White marble completly looking something else weird and the numbers on farming which I don’t call it farming anymore, the only positif point I found since the patch it is the placeable water, because I like making my own looks with grass/tree etc. build myself with material from all other worlds.

If somebody could help me to at least make me hit the 100% treashold so I don’t lose my farm anymore, I was able to hit 100% with some organic crops but Goo and Combustion seem to be worst.

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Are you using lava with goo?

Lava only increase crop, I’m still losing the seeds, maybe I should try on another world?

Farms generally will not be self-sufficient, but the real value of farming is in min-maxing for either crop yields or seed yields. I think the only one that stands a chance to be self-sustaining is goo, due to the numbers the devs set so you can actually take advantage of mutating it. My advice with it is to never stop gathering new seeds in the wild, and be patient with what you grow. I believe you’ll find something to like about it!

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also I did hit 100% or more with those:
Glossy Starberry 100%
OOrtian Rice 100%
Ancient Oat 100%
Waxy Tuber 100%
Starberry Vine 108%

and I still have crops with those seeds nubmer

You plant Goo on Gleam to mutate it’s colour towards the Gleam colour. Once you’re ready to harvest, plant the goo on sponge and surround it (on the same level) with lava - be careful not to go to close to the sponge otherwise the lava will destroy it (along with the goo). With enough lava, you should be able to get up to 350% crop.

Goo crop is “pigment” which you can use in the pigment processor (mixing up to 6 different colours at a time) to make sprays, which you can then use to spray your items.

Edit: Also, in answer to your question. 90% seed return is the maximum you can achieve. This is because the mutation can sometimes fail causing the goo to be destroyed. The very high crop (pigment) return does make up for that though.


Sorry, I didn’t pay attention enough that this was about seed yield, I have understood that goo would have been designed to be so that seed yield would be loww and couldn’t be combined well with crop yield.

Going different planet shouldn’t have any effect, that system was changed to gleam planting.

Personnaly I don’t have any problem going in the wild to “Increase” my farm size but not everyday to keep it just the same…

I was thinking we could set a setup to make like 110% (or more) seeds but really low Crops yield and then when you have more seeds maybe go someitme with more crops but losing a part of your seeds with numbers like 80% seeds, but it doesn’t seems to be the case for a part of the existing seeds

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You could be right…I don’t know all of the numbers. I’m glad we aren’t using a more realistic simulation of crops, though. The babysitting would be insane

I hope that if it’s not possible to keep/generate your goo seeds, that price will be low on them, cause I really don’t feel going in the wild another time for those lol, I did farm 400 of those earlier and that didn’t felt good doing it, I prefer going mining or crafting and then buy them lol…

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Goo is considered the end game farming, so it will never be sustainable. you will always have to go in the wild to gain new seeds.

In goo you will have 2 choice :

  1. Harvest the Wild, plant the seed on sponge with lava one block away of the sponge block(lava will destroy the sponge and the crop if planted right next to it) maximum of 350% yield = an average of 3.5 pigments per crop.

  2. Mutate it to a desired color while using the gleam color it is planted on. This pattern will always be a 0% yield rate for pigment and a max of 90% seed return( means a lost of 10% for each round of maturity). Then repeat the #1 process when you get the desired color seed.

Other Crops

I think every other crop can be self sustainable (maybe not the kindling mass). But they will have different pattern.

You will have to play around with the block it likes to be around for yield or seed. Usually blocks that increase Yield will decrease seed and vice versa so :

  • some pattern will give you a moderate amount of seed gain and yield at the same time
  • some you will need to make a farm that focus the seed gain, then use these gained seeds in another farm to get the maximum yield possible by having almost no seed return.

I was also not able to go over 90% seeds with Combustion fraction, but in this case I have 0% crops so I guess it’s a really bad idea since I’m just losing 10% of them for no reason

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combustion fraction max seed yield is 110% in the best condition, but will give 0% yield.


ohh yea Lava also help at the same time as ancient corruption, I will do that, this one is fine with me 110% is not much but at least after some time I will have more and I will not mind to sacrifice some seeds to get more crops this one make sense to me it’s exactly how I was thinking farming would be

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And keep in mind you can add liquid to a chiseled block, you can make your pattern more compact that way.


Thanks I will try to make something work with Combustion fraction lol, I just hop it doesn’t cound against any kind of limit like “mesh limit” which I abandonned my last base because I hit the limit everywhere…

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its not…

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Actually… I think combustion fraction does. It’s the only crop that uses a mesh.

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You might be right its the only plant that have a 3d model.

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oh dam I just dig right under my storage room lol… well I will still give it a try, it’s not so many storage over it

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