I’m still not sure how to properly use text epic I assumed if you have it activated then put something on the stand that when you go to collect that money all you have to do is have tax epic applied. But I seem to be wrong or something is messing it up. Why don’t they just remove this lol
I believe your character needs to have tax epic on at all times to get the discount. If you switch to a different skill page without tax epic and someone buys something from your shop, you will pay the full amount of tax.
You need to have it on when on that Beacon to keep at 7%, If you walk into that beacon with out it it reverts to 10%.
Pretty much what Wondernut said…
For the Tax Epic to work
- You must have it active when you place the item(s) in the shop stand
- You must be the owner of the beacon with the shop stand
- Once you walk off that Shop Stand Beacon, then you can change you stills to another
- Do not walk onto that Shop Stand Beacon unless you have the Epic to maintain the discount
Thank you all for responding sorry I thought my responses that I gave on my phone went directly here but maybe they got sent to an email cuz it’s not showing up but yes thank you all it did work I do have to have it on and stay there apparently I wasn’t doing that properly but now I understand I’m sure I lost about a million dollars over the years but good thing it’s not real money .