Can’t log on with PS4 PlayStation Plus

Ugh ofc my day off this happens :unamused:
I wake up and try to log onto boundless on the PS4 but get a notification that my PS plus needs renewing. No biggie right?! So I go ahead, update my plus for another year, try again and still can’t log onto boundless. I keep getting redirected to the “subscribe to PlayStation plus” screen. I did test other games and they work fine! I also tried logging on with My partners account and the same thing is happening


I’ve had this happen before, and I did the same thing - ended up buying another year before I had to. :frowning: At least that time it appeared to be a PS error which resolved that day.

As I’m typing this, just checked twitter, others are reporting the issue right now -

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That’s exactly what happened. I didn’t need to renew until October lol. Thanks for the link. Maybe I should of looked there before posting but I was straight up panicking :laughing:


I totally understand, I always panic when something like that happens! I put a message on the Boundless Discord about it too to warn players.


Hi, @Wonderstruck, I’m sure you’re aware of this :point_up: , but thought I’d just @ ya, nonetheless.

@Shadykatt34 you OK if I add PS & Playstation to the title and some tags? (just so that others can find this easily)

Current Title   Proposed New Title   Tags
Can’t log on   Can’t log on with PS4 PlayStation Plus   PS4, playstation, playstation-plus

EDIT - Saw you like the post, so I just went ahead and pasted that all in. Obvs. not assuming I know best or anything, goes without saying to just edit the heck out of it all if you feel like it! :sweat_smile:


Lol it’s all good @MadManMoon Edit away! :heart:


im getting the same.

I think there’s a PS4 system update today. It’s probably Sony being Sony.


Yeah there was an update right before. It’s strange because I can play other games the only one I can’t play is boundless.


Yeah There Was. But The Update Once again Strikes Back at Us with A slap to the Face Lol

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A little more info -

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PlayStation is having issues right now with gaming and social, PlayStation Now and PlayStation Store. They are already working on maintenance for the issues and trying to fix them as fast as possible. I would give it about two hours to fix them at most. They are usually pretty good at getting things fixed in a couple hours.

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Purely out of interest, are any of the other games reliant on:

  1. Always online and online open world stuffy stuffs?
  2. Running on Amazon backend services? (which I think Boundless does)

@MadManMoon I was able to log onto Fortnite and Journey. Journey was in online mode.

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Hope you get it resolved soon


It’s working for me now :heart:🥲


thank the maker - threepio - star wars