Candy Planet

I want a candy skinned/themed planet, can drop the same ol’ resources when broken but I want some gumdrop trees and lollipops where the mushrooms would be :joy: rivers of chocolate, and confectionery soil layers!

Is this even possible, to have a planet where placed blocks don’t look default…? Halloween planet etc.

And if you place these resources on a normal planet they just look like default foliage etc.


If this ever happens, there needs to be a Candy Kingdom, or I will be severely disappointed.


I’d like a black/white/gray planet. It should be loaded with diamonds, dark glass, silver, dark matter… :wink:

Also, I’d like a lights-out planet where it’s almost impossible to see anything bc it’s so dark. You have to bring a light source or have it on a forged tool. Things that glow and creatures would easily be seen. Possibly some rare items that sparkle/glow?


What would be evil is if a planet had everything the same color. Even though there are difference in the block types it would be very hard to tell anything apart. Then make the rare item everyone wanted just a slightly different color.

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Omg yeah. I want the dark world to not be a black fog, but rather just really dark out. That way if I build something with gleam, you can still see the glow from a distance.

And a black and white world would be an awesome mixup to the bright pink worlds we have now.

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Like a noir planet!

Really like the dark planet idea. Like the plants and creatures adapt and are extra glowy. Maybe the water is bio-luminescent. Oooooo… really, really liking that. :heart_eyes:

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What about a subterranean planet? The “sky” is replaced with a cave roof.

Like an entire planet of the Underdark for my fellow Forgotten Realms fans


Then my Drow OCs would have a place to live! Hehe


“Yeah, Charlie, we’re going to Candy Mountain. Come with us, Charlie.”
“Candy Mountain. It’s a land of sweets and joy…and joyness.”


I asked for this when we were talking about colour schemes before the new worlds came out and james said they wont be doing human-deigned/colour picked worlds :sob: they want it to be all automatic.

But I want this too!!! And it would look SO GOOD!

Maybe when they bring in private worlds–however long that will be–mods will be allowed and these can be a thing?
Candy and dark world ftw!

(All, of course, on a separate world server. Don’t need that argument here. :wink:)

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I volunteer to start work on the life sized Candy Land board :joy::yum:


The dark world could be dark even when it’s daylight; the devs said that can be a thing.

I’d like private planets for these reasons alone - so we can make interesting looking worlds. Pink, Paink, Pinkê, Peenk and Pank palettes are only interesting for so long.


Big Mom will take over the territory and we will all be doomed.


Sorry, I had to. XD

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