Can't access my own storage in my main base

For the last couple of days, I have been having issues in my main base on Biit. I have to return to the sanctum or leave the planet and come back to get into my storage. I was in TNT earlier and couldn’t un-grapple from the ground after talking to people in TNT. There have been other issues. It’s getting annoying. I’m not one to complain but it makes doing the simplest guild chores more complicated than it should be. @james @monty1

PS: we did a guild hunt on delta. We had a few issues… @PixelatedTwix mentioned it in her post yesterday.


See also previous post by @L3g3ndaryPhoenix🙂


I made a post about this :smiley: add it to the replys also if you can record what happens upload to youtube and unlist it and share it there :smiley: