Can't Connect to Server after short hiatus break

revo uninstaller portable if you wanna go super thorough

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I don’t think it will be necessary but I’ll know if this new install of the game in a couple minutes will work.

This is incredibly annoying to have to deal with.


I can only imagine. I have a lot of respect for you and would love to see you back around so my fingers are crossed. If it does not work, wait for the devs to respond and don’t give up.


Well I feel like you’re in the minority on that one. lol

But we’ll see if I can get back in. I know I am not banned or anything. lol

EDIT: And it doesn’t let me in still… I am giving up for now until a developer can take a look at this and work with me on it. I feel like that Hamachi install screwed with some files that caused this. Every time I try and use that program it borks my computer in some way. What I don’t want to do right now is have to redo my system and install everything. I don’t have the time during the week to do that cause of my job.


Yea. I know how frustrating IT can be, trust me. Just walk away and come back when then devs give you some attention. :slight_smile:

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I am gonna go blow stuff up in DOOM… record some footage while I am at it and maybe dig up my external hard drive to store the files on it or setup my internal hard drive enclosure case to run my spare SATA drive from to store the footage.

At least I can do something some what productive while I wait until this problem is fixed. Plus I have Grim Dawn’s new DLC I can play or revisit X-Com Apocalypse after 10+ years of not playing it, could also mess around with Rimworld to get a fantasy/medieval mod pack made for more YT stuff.

Definitely lots of stuff for me to do. I just wanted to play some Boundless tonight. Was really in the mood to stare at blocks of dirt, rock, and gravel and clear it away so I can actually get the space for my workshop cleared out before I start building it. I guess that’s really going to have to wait until later.

One ironic thing I’ll laugh about is that this problem doesn’t get fixed until the farming update goes live and some how that’s what causes the fix to go into effect. Stranger things with PCs have happened that I’ve experienced. :joy:

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I would verify the game files. There might have been an issue with certs or something. I assume you were able to see that it changed files from “testing” to the normal production? Also I would try testing again, then switch back to prod and see what happens.

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I’ve already done that. Doesn’t fix it.

This is a real head scratchier for me.

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I don’t know the IP or DNS name of that server… I guess we have to wait for @vdragon to tell you so you can trace to see if you see it or not…

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I had a very similar issue last night, and I’m fairly certain rebooting my modem fixed it.
I tried so many different things that I can’t be 100% certain, but there are a few recent threads of people having issues with some more random suggestions from VD and James.

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A long shot but now that you know how to do it, can you ping instead of

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Can you try the ping command against as mentioned, that will let me know if you’re at least getting a valid dns lookup. At the moment the log shows that you’re trying to connect but it’s simply failing to get a response and I’m not sure why yet.

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Is the result. I feel like it’s the same as the last one I pinged.

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Uh… that’s pinging your local machine IP address.

Do you have any web services or anything running?

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I don’t think so. I just rebooted the system before I went to bed last night. I shouldn’t have any web services running that I know of.

EDIT: just checked task manager to be sure… no web services running.

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I guess it could be something in your hosts file redirecting the discovery server back to your loopback address.

Not sure what would be doing that though or why…

Can you try opening your Windows Hosts file and checking that there isn’t an entry in there that looks something like this…

You can find your hosts file by going to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

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The shop scanner thing has hosts file modifications


Ah that could well be it then … I’ve not used it at all, so wasn’t sure if it did change the hosts or not.

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Well this is what I found. I opened the file in Word Pad so I could read it.

Not exactly sure what to do from here.

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yup - looks like all the servers are directed back to your loopback address.

You’ll need to open the hosts file as an administrator (right-click wordpad from your system menu and select “run as administrator” then open the file from there). This will allow you to edit/save the hosts file - remove all of those entries shown in your image and save the file.

You should be good to go after that.

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