Can't Connect to Server after short hiatus break

So I’ve taken some time off from playing the game while waiting for Farming to come out. Jumped on testing server and checked out a few things for Farming.

Here’s the thing, I can’t get on the live servers now. I have absolutely no idea why either. This is the screen I get to before I can move on.

So I am wondering if a developer (@james @vdragon) an help figure out what the cause of this is and give me a solution. I don’t think I was on a EXO world last time I played on the live servers and I think I was standing in one of my beacons. So I’d definitely like to get back in the game and start working on some of my stuff again.

Actually if anyone can help me with this that would be just greeeeaaat. :smiley:

I don’t know why but this has even happened to me some lately. I opened a command prompt window and did /ipconfig flushdns and then rebooted steam. Then I could get in.

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I don’t know how to do that… lol

EDIT: nevermind… I just looked it up… man I am being overly lazy today for no reason

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Well it may be no help to you anyways. If you are on windows just hit windowskey+r then type cmd and hit enter, then ipconfig /flushdns

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Yeah it didn’t do anything for me. Getting the same screen as before.

Soooo… back to square one on this. :man_facepalming:

EDIT: And I’ve already done a Steam file verification too.

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you read my mind. is steam updated? is windows updated? do you use a vpn?


Yes, yes, and no vpn (don’t even know how to set that up).

I have no idea what’s causing this. The only thing I haven’t done is uninstall the game and reinstall it. I’ll do one more verify files run, reboot Steam, and then see if it works. If not, I’ll try uninstalling the game and reinstalling it.

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also, did you get a ping from boundless?

good luck, you are following a logical troubleshooting path.


No I haven’t done any sort of ping test…

Just rebooted Steam and launched the game. I’ll run the ping test after it if it fails.

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Although, I have never put much stock in the pingtest of their site because of this:

I have never passed a ping for the game . . . but I set up a pfsense firewall using a vpn wan gateway, so that may be why. @james ??

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Yeah I got fail on everything too… I just restarted my PC… so I’ll try connecting now.

This is kind of frustrating.

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maybe this helps you

maybe not. I’m sorry about your troubles.

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I don’t have a spare PC…

I also don’t understand what could have caused this. The last thing I installed that wasn’t a game was Hamachi to try and run a server for Project Zomboid. That’s the only thing I can think of that would cause this and that goes to show there’s more evidence in never using that POS for anything. I’ve uninstalled it and all… I just don’t know why it would still be causing issues.

Also, some of the troubleshooting I was getting the same results as Dec. So again I don’t have a way to check this out with another PC.

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This is also my latest log.txt that I put in pastebin.

Right now I have no idea what to do. :man_shrugging:

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this stands out:

Getting auth token for crypticworlds
[2019-06-21 00:20:49.705] [INFO] Sending login request for ‘crypticworlds’ to Discovery Server (
[2019-06-21 00:20:50.724] [INFO] Received login response with status 0
[2019-06-21 00:20:50.724] [INFO] SetDiscoveryState NOT_FOUND
[2019-06-21 00:20:50.725] [INFO] AuthState DISCOVERY_SERVER_NOT_FOUND

try turning off your firewall.

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Well all I have is the one that comes with Windows… uh… I’ll try it.

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can you go to command prompt and ping ?

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Firewall stuff didn’t work.

Also, here’s the cmd prompt thing.

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then i think the problem is filesystem. but I am not an official voice. I’d reinstall but that’s just me.

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I haven’t tried that yet… I will now.

EDIT: Even when into the steam folder and deleted the leftover files after the uninstall. I think this will make it as clean of an install as possible.