Cant start game

Is there a patch going on, or is the servers down?

When i start the game, i get a login window, when i try to log in i get a error (502 i think it was).

error 503

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Same here, i was about to comment. it doesn’t log into my account

same, maybe an update? (Please) :stuck_out_tongue:


Maybe a little late on the day for a update, if they dont want to sit up whole night and hunt bugs…

I know it is late for them but who knows, it will be bad if servers are down which will mean no boundless for the night hahaha


[2017-02-28 18:13:47] INFO Loading Audio from assets/wwise/Windows/
[2017-02-28 18:13:47] ERROR [FATAL ERROR] 30: Error connecting to Steam API.
[2017-02-28 18:13:51] INFO …\scripts\application.cpp:842 (turbulenz::oortonline::Application::CreateGameSession) session url: via @ZedFontaine

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Same problem… pops a login screen and returns a red (503) when i try to login ><

I guess it’s time to take a rest for the day and hope for the update tomorrow.

Amazon’s web servers are down and it’s causing trouble across the internet - The Verge


There are lots of errors coming from the servers. Investigating.

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I think the game is now working

@30nstillgaming @AnnieGYG are able to get in also.


Yep, all seems to be back up and running again!

Working again.

not working again?

Seems Ok for me on Therka, was a lot of rubber banding in the past 20 mins though, really extreme (& Steam went down)

I was prompted to log-in again like that time earlier when it was down. And after hitting log in and connect I get:

[FATAL ERROR] 30: Error connecting to Steam API.

EDIT: worked on 3rd attempt now; hurray :heart_eyes: