Cash shop? wait what?

Maybe you should read their package again. They get 3 plots for every 1 you get. I even have more plots than some of the Oortians.

I would assume he meant “2 extra” so that could be inferred and he didn’t need to be told to “read their package again”. Instead he comment could have just been corrected as - 200% meaning 3 total and 2 extra.

All of your pricing is waayyy off.

FFXIV does not cost $50-60 to buy, it costs $20. Locking the game behind a required subscription and a price tag is a bad business option for what that game has to offer. But what is has over peoples heads is a classic MMO experience.

Elder Scrolls Online does not cost $50-60 to buy, it costs $20. It’s optional monthly subscription gives you access to all it’s DLC which if bought separately would cost well over $100, alongside a dozen other things that are valuable and QOL benefits. With the membership it also gives you a large sum of it’s cash shop currency. It’s cash shop is quite dicey— $20 for a simple mount.

Creativerse is not $20-30, it is FREE. I haven’t played it before so I have no idea about it’s cash shop.

I think what boundless has to offer in its current state is not worth paying for subscriptions and cash shop items alongside it’s current price tag. I understand it needs to sustain itself but with it’s quite small audience this direction is already pushing away players.

I’d really like to understand why everyone things that Boundless is somehow making you pay a subscription or sub above its current price tag? Both of those are there for supporters who want to contribute additional money - it’s like a nice donation system with some minor bonus perks.

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It’s not meant to be a little donation system, it’s microtransactions with very little perks.

Also read as: meant to not be heavy in perks to force people to use it

As in, you can pay for gleam club and get some minor perks if you want to help out - but they don’t want to make it perk heavy enough to force people to do it.

Shiny optional extras are the aim, nothing that actually impacts the game

You can be on a level playing field with anyone buying cubits without having to spend a dime. In fact, they are so easy to earn in-game that I have a two dozen plots and almost have 3 alts on testing after playing just a few hours.


Boundless may cost more upfront that Elder scrolls online, but its subscription is also optional. There is nothing in the exchange that cannot be acquired by earning cubits in game so no cash is required beyond the initial purchase. So for Elder Scrolls if you want the DLC you pay for it (Which as you pointed out would cost over $100) or you pay the monthly subscription which is a minimum of $12.99 per month. So after two months Boundless is cheaper.

FFIV as you stated costs $20 for the base game, but $59.98 for the game and the expansions. Boundless has no DLC and they say they will not so you get all the functionality in Boundless without the cost. Boundless also has no required subscription so again it is cheaper over a few months if not immediately.

I also have no information on Creativerse. .

Since none of these things are required and there is nothing that they give you that you cannot get in game, I am not sure why this should matter to anyone.

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In its current state Boundless has no where near the amount of content these games have nor the humongous followings that these games have. I’m not sure why everyone is on board and brushing this over their shoulders. This community stones people to death for having an opinion they don’t agree with. I said I understand it needs to sustain itself. I’m not saying Boundless will never need this kind of income and will never be good enough— I’m saying in its CURRENT state it isn’t a big enough game with a big enough following to safely take this direction. Thousands upon thousands of people won’t even touch a game that they hear have microtransactions or subscriptions and even though it’s the minority— people are already shying away from the game after hearing it’s getting microtransactions and subscriptions, optional or not.

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No my point was you seemed to be saying the cost was too much. My point is Boundless costs less than 2 of the games you mentioned. They are also adding content just as Elder Scrolls and FFIV already have. Does it have to have as much content when newly released as games that have been adding content since they were released and if the game costs less?

Also both those games are building on many years of prior development and versions, that is why they have a tremendous following. I do not know of one of the top of my head, but would be more inclined to agree with you if you were using a game that is not part of a franchise.

As to your point in your last point

Then what are you recommending they do? get people to buy the game and then add in subscriptions and microtransactions? I think that will really tic people off because then they say they were lied to about the game never requiring any additional money to play. We can’t have it both ways. . what would you suggest?


If that is indeed happening, then I would think it would be down to misinformation from people that have not taken the time to investigate further and realise that nothing in the shop gives a competitive advantage.


I am not the one that used these games as an example. I was replying to @Dhusk that was using those games as an example and stated prices that were $30 off which to me seemed to try and shame these games.

That might be true, but you did use them to try and make your point. So if we ignore that, what would you suggest the developers do to generate income. Make people mad now or later? You say they are not going to buy because of an optional subscription and cash shop. And if they are added later you make people mad then. . so is the issue the information has not been communicated effectively about what the optional subscription and cash shop really are?

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I guess that’s for each person to decide. Even with buying Oortian Boundless has cost me less than $1 per hour (cheaper than most movies). I’ve also played it more hours than Elder Scrolls and Creativerse combined.

To me the game has more content than both of those combined and it offers extremely good value for money.

Someone else might buy it, play 3 hours and get bored. To them it might be a horrible purchase.

One thing is for certain - charging less isn’t some secret weapon that ensures more revenue or more survivability for the game.


You also tried to use them to make your points. Boundless can’t please everyone when going this direction. It’s up to them as a company to decide their income and I think slapping a $39.99 price tag onto it in early access says pretty clearly what direction they were choosing. For them to later choose they want this price tag, microtransactions, and an optional subscription while they are this small seems to be suicide in my opinion. I’ve seen hundreds of good games try and do this exact thing and they all went down the drain. I’ll say it again but thousands of people will not touch games they hear have microtransactions let alone subscriptions. Regardless of communication. This game needs to grow, and if people avoid it because of what they hear the game will struggle.

I’m not just saying this because I don’t want to spend more money on the game, I am fully aware these things are fully optional. I’m even the kind of person to spend money on microtransactions. I’m just here to voice my opinion not come up with alternatives. I however now understand that my opinion here is meaningless and will not further ensue this conversation.

Its really depends on how you understand the game and how you use the cash shop to exploit.
I cant understand how come everyone keep saying that the ability to infinity skill reset is not strong lol
If i spend both time +money, the ability to allow me to “infinity reset” my skill set to different “focus” is very hard for other solo players to compete.
The new skill system want you to make “choice”,
(total 100 points + some skills you can’t have them both. )
The infinity skill reset allow you to ignore “choice”
(if you can reset every time you need, why you need a better skill plan ? )

This is very powerful in game advance in my opinion.

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I think the point they’re making is you can get it too just with extra time because you can earn enough cubits to buy it without laying down any cash.

Yes, for the first few weeks people with cash can shortcut those without but eventually one could get everything they need without spending extra on the game.

Edit: Oh I misunderstood, you meant just keep buying skill resets. I see. Isn’t that time gated?

Sorry my english not very well,
Whats the time gated mean ?

Oops apologies I’ll try to be more clear, I’m not very good at that - I thought that even when you buy a skill reset you can apply it once but then if you bought another you would have to wait to apply it again. Perhaps that’s changed with the new system though.

Infinite skill resets would bypass a 15 min wait at most wouldn’t it? I mean technically you could access beyond 3 skill sets worth of skills I suppose but it seems like an expensive way to shortcut just switching out to a 2nd or 3rd skill set.

For “skill set” , yes there is 15 min cd which is very nice.
But for skill reset , when i purchased it didn’t show up any cd on the cash shop.
So i guess i can purchase it again in any time. or if you want you can just buy the base FFXIV and be multiple expansions behind lol. Currently ALL Bethesda titles are at least 50% off celebrate Quakecon but, just like with FFXIV, unless you want to play just the base game and be multiple expansions behind, you’ll need to buy a bundle. I bought the ES:O Gold Edition when it came out which included everything up through the Morrowind expansion. The gold edition was $59.99 at the time as Morrowind was the current expansion. Currently, Summerset is out.

For Creativerse, yes, the base game is free but it’s almost unplayable by comparison to the Pro version which is what I was referring to: The Pro version gives clear advantages to players by allowing you to fly (glide), gives double stamina, and gives you significantly more building opportunity.

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