Casual Gamers vs. Boundless vs. MMO Players

I think that mid lvl consumables food/tools should be easy to farm, I think refined blocks, dec blocks could be compressed with 10 times more blocks, in 5 hours I can build enough refined blocks for a large building, which I think should have taken longer.


some crafting times need balancing for sure - there are those that feel too fast while others are unnecessary long (even doing some cooking take you longer than crafting stones and refining it then)


I read this when I woke up this morning and though that is good question. Why do I have the impression solo play was a viable option in the vision of the game. So I started digging. The best answer I can give is not very good after thinking about it a while. The orginal pitch video narrated by @ben is what gave me the impression. :50-:57. But upon close inspection I realized that was in context to the Titan content not the entire game. So I guess you got me there.

P.S. Ben if you are reading this. Your posting and comedy are missed.


Post what you might like the times to be and why, might happen if the Devs agree

For me this game isn’t or has a “beat it” anything. It’s more of a casual, “I can forever come here and build cool things and just keep acquiring materials and keep building till my hearts content.” When it is content, or my brain needs a break, I can do that. But it I will always want to come back and make a new house or statue.

Right now it does feel like the dev’s are wanting it to be up in the ranks of Everquest fornicating on a Voxel platform. Which is way cool. The downside is that it stops being a casual crafter. The newer updates are more along the lines of “forces us to have to” grind heavy, and regularly comeback just to keep what we have. Nothing wrong with implementing forced renewable gameplay. The cost however, unlike most mmo’s and voxel world games is, if you don’t, you suffer the loss of everything you ever made. And some people don’t like a game slapping on grinder handcuffs, and telling them you are now forced to keep playing it.

The positive side for the players, is it ingeniously filters out people that make builds that use up the game world, and never come back.


For crafting times, I tend to save up a bunch of things to mass craft at the same time in different machines. When my crafting alt comes on then I load up all the machines and start them and set my timer on my watch. Then I go out gathering, mining and hunting to get experience or do some building. When my watch buzzes then I go back and put everything on the shelves and go on to the next alt. I just craft pretty much once every few weeks. I haven’t ever made a shop yet (living in the desert it’s rather pointless), so, I don’t need a ton of stuff made. Mostly it’s just iron tools and some tasty steaks while building up some advanced supplies so I have them whenever I get around to mining gems.


Because of how I play, my priorities, objectives, and preferences I have felt adequately rewarded for my efforts. I am primarily a builder, a builder who has no interest in gem blocks. Which is good for me because I would probably lose my noodle trying to hunt down gems, but they are supposed to be a special and rare resource, so if they were easy to find it would be less special. I require a ton of building materials but the effort put into gathering blocks and crafting them is logical and satisfying.

I use iron for most tools, I buy the occasional Ruby slingbows for defense when harvesting blocks. I buy chisels… Lots of chisels, I should probably start crafting them.

I have no interest in food beyond carrying cooked meat or berries to fight off hunger, so I haven’t had to deal with the frustrations of food production. Looking through the recipes and how each one has 4 quality tiers and then raw and cooked versions of each seems like it would eat away at a person’s sanity.

In conclusion the portions of the game I play I enjoy and do not feel the effort is wasted. If I were a hunter I probably would not feel the same.


Man Woe what level up pLan are you using? I’ve put in 300+ hours and I am still not at lvl 50…

Mining and feat-hunting.

Going on almost every daily hunt since I started playing again also got me about 20 levels, give or take.

Completed ~130 feats in 2 weeks
27/37 were from mining.

The only reason I will someday be looking for gems (I don’t know where to find them) is because I gather a lot more than I need so someday would open a shop (gathering and crafting myself). However, to make many things I now need advanced power coils. I have a simple power coil for several machines because of some gems I got by accident once. It doesn’t do anything for me since they only make 100 power and it doesn’t build up. So, just to keep making what I used to before power coils came into the game, I need gems someday.

It would also be nice having things like ruby slingbows. I use iron and as a result at times my hunter dies on level 3 planets. So, I need the gems to make the advanced power coils and then make the fancy slingbows.

Reading about foods it doesn’t interest me either as my steaks work well. It’s something else to sell though someday since I keep building up resources (other than gems). Plus, it gives me more items to get the experience points from crafting x number of recipes etc. My main sort of is a hunter/explorer. My main objective with him is to explore and although he isn’t fast at it he can gather materials better on high tier planets than my miner/gatherer or builder/crafter can simply because of better health and damage dealt. Then he takes things back to Therka for the other two to find uses for.


I haven’t ever been on a daily hunt. Maybe I should try it someday. Some folks I know said rubber banding was a problem so I never looked into it other than reading the signs when I passed by. Never seen anyone there though.


There are about 15 people per hunt on weekdays and I have seen around 25-30 on the weekends.

The hunts also earn you a lot of money/resources if you have the right build, tier/level 3 planets’ meteorites drop gems which can be quite plentiful during the 2 hour hunt.

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Concentrating on your Feats is a major way of leveling. Some feats one normally would never ever get if they plan on just hunting, or just being crafter. So, be a crafter for a while to get the feats, then respec gathering, then finally hunter, or in any order you wish.

I did this for my alts. Hunting groups is not a cheat, but if you have the time to join, it speeds things up only because it spawns huge meteors and spits out tons of mobs.

WARNING: unless you have full death penalty, don’t go on meteor group hunts. You will die a lot. It is easy to “blow” 50k to 100k plus by breaking and re-buying all of your weapons if you’re using gem bows and bombs. You most likely will not make that much back in resources when you sell it all. So it would be just a xp hunt if you don’t have death maxed out.

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I keep track of what feats to go after next with each character using Lightning (I was a lawyer, so, I far prefer WordPerfect over Word for writing my novel but the Lightning portion of it is free for anyone I believe). I keep my sheet up and check what equipment I need (if any) and what feats are close as I log onto a character. When I’m about to log off a character I update it. It works well since I have TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury courtesy of my days in the Army as an Infantry Officer… yes, I was a Marine first over 8 years and then accidentally ended up in the Army lol But due to an inability to walk at the time I went to law school and got my JD so Army wasn’t overall horrible lol) and a resulting lack of short term memory.

As for meteors. I have soloed a couple, plus at times I run across unlooted meteorites with no creatures, or just one or two around. One of my homes is on Vulpto and another on Septerfon I think it is, so, no shortage of meteors spawning. I just haven’t ever seen the groups and never sure what time they are here in Houston.

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Go the Therka market, Go through the gateway that says “Hunter Courtyard”. turn around the time are posted on the walls. They do the timezone math for you. Also you can join this discord.

They will ping chat when it is a couple hours out.


I’m sorry that this is gonna hurt half of y’all’s feelings, but… I’m in the “It’s Grindy” camp right now.

I’ve been working on a pretty dense build (currently about 220 plots and heavily chiseled), for a long time, using above-average building materials (50 bajillion Igneous bricks, to be specific). And I can tell you with 100% certainty that I’ve spent significantly more time gathering materials than I ever, ever wanted to.

Being creative is an end unto itself; gathering materials, for me, is not. I measure my own success and sense of accomplishment by the beauty of what I’m building, and not by the volume of blood, sweat and tears I’ve expended in the coal mines. Persisting at a repetitive task doesn’t make me feel like I’ve reached some higher level of Oortian evolution. What it HAS done is, it’s exhausted me to the point where I’ve taken a couple extended breaks from the game just so I could find the patience to continue.

For those of you who insist that you don’t mind the grind, or feel that it’s not so bad compared to some other things you’ve tried in the past, I’d propose this… Let’s just ease the building requirements for all of us emo sensitive types who have no respect for hard work, and you can take all of these ill-gotten gains and just… build… more?

The worlds are pretty big and I don’t think we’d ever run out of space, even if you flipped from 75% grinding / 25% building to the other way around.


Maybe I will make a suggestion thread with regards to this. I think that a way to alleviate this burden for those disinterested in the grind- to-support a build is just to communicate their needs. I will gladly donate to worthy builds just to improve the state of the game. We need a help wanted section.


Challenge: Accepted

I need about 3500 more purple Igneous Bricks.

When you’re done with that, please pay a visit to my neighbor, @AmandaPan . She’s still looking for approximately 32,000,008 Machined Iron.

BTW, my number is not an exaggeration… That’s about what I’m looking at to finish my project. And Amanda’s is PROBABLY not an exaggeration, cuz I quizzed her earlier and she said that The Hive is just under 3900 plots altogether.


I am not currently doing anything with purple igneous. I will begin to stockpile some for you when I go out.

Thanks! I have been there and some other place (Hunter’s Highway or something like that in some city?) several times looking at the signs. Last I saw though it listed times, but, was asking for someone to provide U.S. times. With my lack of memory I forget things like this, so, reminders are always welcome. I think the other one on another planet I might have marked on one of my characters places list.

As for the Discord. For Space Citizen I got a new headset. Unfortunately Microsoft hasn’t figured out how to get their Windows 10 to recognize it’s microphone exists (one of a million problems with all the big tech or social media companies). I’m switching at least some to Linux soon, Linux has no problems with the headset. So, I’ll probably wait on getting Discord until I can get it on Linux (not that I tend to talk on headsets ever, but, for listening it’s still probably better to just set it up on Linux in the first place. I know my headset is certified by Discord.

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