What I’m thinking how character creation could get implemented into the game is as follows:
a Body slider for the length of arms
a Body slider for the width of arms
a body slider for length of legs
a body slider for width of legs
a body slider for width of hips
a body slider for width of shoulders
a body slider for chest size (females)(real subtle changes)
a body slider for size of head (real subtle changes)
a set of different races (new ones can be added after release)
a set of different head types (relating to each race)
a set of different ears (relating to each race)
a set of different colours (for body’s, tattoos)
a set of different hands (relating to each race)
a set of different feet (relating to each race)
a set of different tattoos (relating to each race)
races that don’t have defined genders
races that are only one type of gender
a tail for races that would have tails (relating to each race)
etc. (what I can’t think of)
Feel free to add your own ideas, changes and suggestions and feel free to question my list