Character Creation Set-up

What I’m thinking how character creation could get implemented into the game is as follows:

a Body slider for the length of arms
a Body slider for the width of arms
a body slider for length of legs
a body slider for width of legs
a body slider for width of hips
a body slider for width of shoulders
a body slider for chest size (females)(real subtle changes)
a body slider for size of head (real subtle changes)
a set of different races (new ones can be added after release)
a set of different head types (relating to each race)
a set of different ears (relating to each race)
a set of different colours (for body’s, tattoos)
a set of different hands (relating to each race)
a set of different feet (relating to each race)
a set of different tattoos (relating to each race)
races that don’t have defined genders
races that are only one type of gender
a tail for races that would have tails (relating to each race)
etc. (what I can’t think of)

Feel free to add your own ideas, changes and suggestions and feel free to question my list

This is a concept for the UI :

This is from a while ago I think, so things may have changed

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cool this is just my ideas for what I would see as good, but that does look like a pretty good menu if a bit basic

Yeah, as I said, its probably liable to change as it isn’t implemented yet, so suggest away!

sure will, any ideas of what you would want out of a character creator

My main ask is some awesome fur for the feline race, and a tail. Like this877583ce379c3418382db1e47e25758868df7efe_1_690x415


that would look awesome having tails and fur

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just added tails to my list


don’t forget heads - it doesnt have to be heads or tails, better to have both :wink:


Very nice I cant wait to see this stuff implemented.

If I understand it correctly, the new character creation stuff will be implemented at the same time as the new sanctum and tutorial system, as they’re all kind of linked. I’m looking forward to that day… even more so if tattoos are also implemented at the same time as well!!