After a quite extensive discussion about genderless races I thought we should probably take this up sooner rather than later.
###How would you like the character creator to be? And what do you want it to include?
Creating your character is a very important part of playing RPG’s it helps you define who you are and differentiate yourself from the masses. But what does this character creator normally contain?
The characters race is one of the main ways to define your character, are you a wandering adventure from a distant orc tribe? a great charr warrior? or a human mage from the top of society? All these stories are build from the lore of the races and how the players sees them.
The races span a great variety
From Humans:
To Orcs:
And to the less humanoid races like Charr:
The dev team have already confirmed that the races are not going to be traditional:
And it has been confirmed that they will have varying heights.
But how they are going to be made and which kinds of races are still up for discussion.
Suggestions for different races can be found here:
And a discussion about a whole new way to choose races can be found here:
Again gender is a way to identify yourself in relation to other people of the same race. It helps to differentiate between different people and allows a greater variety in standard forms.
But gender does not necessarily mean that all races are forced to choose between male and female, a discussion about genderless and genderlocked characters can be found here:
Races can just as easily have 3 or 4 available genders.
The body of the character is also often changeable and adds to the look of the character, things that is often changeable is body type:
And size:
Skin/scale/feather patterns is another way to differentiate the character which has come up the latest few years.
The face may be the single most worked on feature in character design. The face is what you recognizes your friends on and it is how you visualizes your character. And the face editor come in many forms.
Some have insane amounts of sliders (Mount and blade warband is actually not that bad but i am lazy)
If you have to many sliders though the character creation becomes to advanced and people give up before getting all the way through.
Other restrict it to a smaller set of faces which you can choose from
But if you have to few option there is a greater chance that you meet someone with the same look.
Others does both and gives you faces to a start and then makes you able to do edits from there:
Hair/other accessories
Hair is often done from a set amount of styles which you then can choose from.
Ears is another thing that easily can be added in multiple different forms which gives a whole new look to the character. (Picture taken from @Nissalee’s comment)
The same can be done with tattoos, feather crowns, earrings, bone spikes, tentacles, crown of living snakes, special head formations and so on.
Coloring may be just as important to people as the face of the character. Though it is sadly often left alone or fully forgotten by the game creators.
Where the face allows you to vary your characters look when people comes closer the color allows you to stand out on distance, being able to make your feather crown bright red or having a green and black scale pattern helps to do such a thing.
Some developers choose to have a set of chosen colors:
While others have a color wheel or something similar that expands the amount of choices available:
both have their own pluses and minuses.
A discussion about eye color can be found here:
And a discussion that touches coloring can be found here:
Other things
When creating a character you are often asked some other questions like:
Which class do you want to be:
Or questions about your characters personality or background
Both of these have a major influence on how the game progress for you afterwards.
####So question time!
- Which features do you think are most important and why?
- What would be bare minimum for for character creation to be OK?
- How many choices can you have before it become to much?
- Can there be to many choices?
- How much do you think there need to be of a focus on the different segments?
- How do you feel the character creator should differentiate from the traditional character?
- Should the character creator differentiate from the traditional character?
- What other games do you know that had a great character creator
- What did they do right?
- What did they do wrong?
- If you could have any feature or customization part in this game, what would it be and why? (Thanks @Nissalee)
- Is there other important question?