Checking prices across all planets?

There have been several times I couldn’t find what I was looking for on any planet lol can’t wait till we have lots more peeps playing with us :+1:t3:

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Both buy and sell

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There should be a stack trace in your event viewer in this case. That will provide more info.

Installing this might fix your issue: Download .NET Framework 4.7.2 | Free official downloads

I had this idea of making a “Flippers Guild”, where we would jump thru portals and assemble the price list for that day or something like that. Then we could either set up our own shop or buy and sell directly from/ to customers

Would this type of guild make any sense?

I believe that’s what relentless is currently in the process of setting up. @SinRopa could fill you in on it

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Was already installed. Will try it again later today or tomorrow and PM you if it still doesn’t work.

yes, but be careful because you can list items that are not actually purchasable right now using a bug involving stacking. Also someone can always use the stand/basket between when you scan and when you arrive.

Does that app still need the certs and hosts file changes?
Cant it just read the price information out of memory the way the map scanner works?

Isn’t the bug just showing a stack when you open the stand, but if you search thru the knowledge tab it shows exact amounts that someone is buying/ selling?

it does

The map scanner reads 4 values from memory.

The price harvester reads multiple fields on lists of objects. It’s certainly possible, but I don’t have the expertise to read the internal memory layouts of c/c++ collections that are not backed by flat arrays. Even if I did, I would have to rework the logic after every patch (like I do with the map client). This means a large amount of effort every patch. Compared to the price harvester, which didn’t require any updates at all this last major patch.

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If a single smart stack on a shopstand contains two item types, but only one of those has a price assigned on the stand, then you can’t buy either. The item with a price assigned still appears in the knowledge base price list, even though you can’t buy it.

Oh I didn’t know that… thanks :slight_smile:

thanks i was curious about that.

sounds like the old mission reward scanner that existed back in 2000 for anarchy online that used winpcap to snoop on the mission packet.