It’s normal. You don’t get xp when chiselling outside of your beacon now
while building tunnel you expose less blocks than while mining
It’s the same:
Hammer reveals 2 in front, 1 above, 1 below, 2 to each side: 8 total.
Chisel reveals 4 in front, 2 above, 2 below: 8 total
Also chisel really takes 4 hits/block because you need 2 hits on each of 2 blocks to remove 1 block’s worth of material. The real advantage is speed and materials cost because stone chisel is cheaper and hits faster than iron hammer.
Kind of agree but, X - revieled, O - hidden, M - mined, C - Chiselled
Stone, tunnel forward:
Chisel tunnel forward:
Using chisel you uncover 2 more on bottom and top but you actually has narrower footprint.
IMHO with wider footprint i have better chance finding veins.
It actually may be down to personal opinion.
If we are drawing circles and x’es… here’s mine
Guess what does B stands for
I love me my extra rocks. Give em to my crafter/builder to push through the refinement line for future builds.
Bombs are completely different stuff
Besides this is quite small for a bomb, isn’t it? I thought you could make them like 6 and more wide?
@boundmore Thanks brother! Appreciate the shoutout and step by step video!!
7 wodę wide are the biggest bombs I think.
wide I suppose?
Can’t take it against me, hadn’t had my coffee yet.
/remind me Not to post from mobile any more, ever
Been there, done that.
I use some kind of hybrid method for mining, I use my hammer to go forward like classic strip mining and use the chisel to look up and down. If you invest points in control, with a 2 height tunnel you can check a 18/20 height column of blocks
^This! When I was playing around with it, this seemed to be super efficient - I also would look left and right as well…
Yes, I do it but only when Im out of my mining zone, if you start chiseling in every direction you end up with a chisel mess like the ones you see in the surface , but of course is up to you, I like to keep things in order.
Also chisel is good for avoiding lava, remember to always chisel down when there are risk to brake a block, lava will flow through the chiseled block
It’s bees, isn’t it?