Chiseling lava

How does one get lava into a half-block slot? I’ve yet to chisel liquids. I’m working on a kindling mass farm and want to up crop output. I’ve been to the farm school to check out the setup but no idea about chiseling lava. Thanks.

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chisel a hole in the solid block then place lava in the hole
be careful, if you chisel the block from another side, the liquid will leek out. imagine it as a hollow box filled with liquid


What he said also watch out putting difrent chiseled blocks of lava together it can lead to damage

Depending on how you manipulate the lava, can actually keep it from flowing out, though it requires some troll tactics.

Here’s some proof (though this is old):

By allowing the lava to keep flowing downwards, you can keep it from flowing out. Pretty sure I used a square chisel on this one. There is a path for the lava to follow going down inside the center of the obelisk in the image.