Chrysominter Hot Tips

Importantly though, we must remember that the value of coin itself can change. The 50 million would buy a lot now, but in a market with more inflation (such as when a gem was worth for example 300c for one rough, or more) you’d be able to buy a lot less with 50 million coin.

The point here is that really you should have a bit of both and not put all your eggs into one basket, as it were, since both types of value can shift, albeit at different rates and for somewhat different reasons.


Well I went out and crafted a wooden axe.

I’ve heard some concerns that this is “coins for the rich” and the like and I wondered about the newest of the new.

By level 6 or 8 the game should have given you enough coin to buy a chrysominter, or maybe several right? A wooden axe is worth hardly any price it’s a few pieces of a tree. I managed to harvest 395 blocks of thorn with it, which is worth just as much as growth. I also ended up with 41 vital orbs.

Sofor someone who has spent 100 or so of their starter coins on a chrysominter, this wooden axe earns 197.5c on thorns alone. it literally costs 3 pieces of trunk and 4 foliage to hand craft the axe, so a few seconds with a totem.

There are plenty of baskets paying 3 and 4 coin each for those orbs we can safely call it another 120 coin if the player doesn’t want to hoard the orbs to make something with later.

So as a new player trying to just farm up some coin you can make over 300c out of “thin air” in under 15 minutes. I’m not going to say it’s great coin but in a game where coffers were the ONLY source of coin until you could sort out retail or footfall, it’s pretty game changing.

I wonder how many thorns an actual totem can harvest.


Very good point on the thorns!

Really, it is a game changer for newcomers IMO… just spend some time harvesting stuff on even T1s with basic tools, getting the coin to progress can be much faster now, less frustration since there is a guaranteed and unlimited way.


Yes, if we do another free weekend, the newbies having access to a chrysominter will go a long way to helping them a long I think. Maybe that’s being too positive but I think the chrysominter will fix a lot of things economically speaking. Ideally some of the items sold for 1c right now will end up going up as a result of inflation creating an actual market. Some items will go down for sure since they were never worth 1c to begin with.

This is a good thing for Boundless though.


Would be a good move to have at least 1 free weekend a month imo.

I would have to say one per quarter would probably be better.

That gives time for people that are on the fence during one weekend to come back and see some significant changes to the game as opposed to maybe som QoL fixes and that’s it.


Would love to see another free weekend, maybe after the farming update would be a good time for them perhaps. If so, I’m going to stockpile as many chrysominters as I can to go around handing out and explaining it, important they get one ASAP.

“You get a chrysominter… you get a chrysominter… everyone gets chrysominters!”


I almost feel like the chrysominter should be one of the things your given by the elder, a long with your warp augment and totem. That way people learn early they can throw away items they don’t need/want and get some value from it as well.

One of my complaints since early game has always been that we didn’t have a trash can or delete item option.

Bumping the chrysominter to standard newbie start would go a long way; or if that’s too much have it be a reward for part of the tutorial.

Then when they leave their first base they have to build/buy a new one.


I do not think they should run free weekends monthly or weekly. With the ability to craft long lasting beacon fuel, a player would never have to pay for the game in order to have their build remain in game for an extended period. All we would end up doing is cluttering the planets with builds and rewarding players that did not pay for the game at the expense of those that did. I think it was a good idea for the developers to offer it, I also think it is too bad we did not get a permanent boost to the average steam player count.

As far as the coin machine helping new players. I think that will depend on what the economy does in response to the new coin. If I am a new player and using an iron hammer I can get a two smart stacks an hour of rock and I exchange it for coin at .5c per rock I can end up with 900c. Not enough for an AOE tool or even some of the Titanium that run for 1500c right now. But it is more coin. Of course they do not have the rock to build with or to craft something better to build with.


Could make the free to play-ers beacons expire a day or two after the weekend ends. More incentive for them to purchase the full game


That means they have to create a new mechanic so they can identify those beacons. Only the developer could tell if that would be worth the effort. Merely a new beacon type would not work because an existing player could give a free weekend player a real beacon. Also lets say it lasts 2 days so when they buy on day 3 and come in and the beacon is gone, how will they react? There are enough reviews in steam complaining about the beacons expiring and players losing their stuff.

edit: actually I guess they could just delete the free weekend accounts on the day after the free weekend ends. I am pretty sure if the account is deleted they the beacons go away.

Buying AOE hammers is somewhat of a bad idea, better to buy coils to upgrade your infrastructure IMO. Once you have fully coiled machines you can easily make everything you need for personal use.

Totally agreed, almost tempted to tag the devs with that suggestion - absolutely should be a starter item, keep the crafting the same if you want more later, but first being automatic would be a huge help with the start.

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I never know who to tag so I just sometimes tag James or leave it open so someone else can do it.

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This is all fine and all but having liquid assets is far better than something that isn’t. With inflation brings less buying power to every player in the game. I would much rather have the ability to buy something when I need it during those inflationary periods than sitting on a stockpile of something that might not have a mint value worth getting coin from.

It really isn’t putting all your eggs in one basket. That’s what shop keepers do who put 90% of their coin into their shop and have it tied up in it and not have anything set aside as a cash reserve for emergency times. They set themselves up for item market crashes and a lot of the shops I’ve seen in the game focus on a handful of items, such as brews, food, forged tools, etc.

A lot of this is speculation right now since we need a little bit of economic history in the game and to see mint values change to get a better idea on whatever strategies happen to be “best practices”.

So we wandered off track a bit but here’s one for you guys:

The chrysominter will pay you almost 3c per iron/copper bar right now.

You have to craft spark links. A mass craft of spark links is 108 base metal bars and 18 ancient tech remnants. This produces 250 spark links and the chrysominter is paying 1.3c per spark link.

That’s 325 coins. Even if you count an Ancient Tech Remnant for 1c it’s 2.84c per metal bar.

Someone else spotted this and said they didn’t mind if I posted it. I know some people have been selling copper as cheaply as 2c so I thought this was definitely worth sharing.

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It’s be interesting if the team had the time to do a deep dive on economics and made x and y crafted items worth a certain price to create a market for base mats while making base mats a lower value so that people like use would notice this and do what we’re doing there by dropping raw mat inventories and potentially increasing their prices as a result.

I haven’t looked at enough over all prices to see if that’s a reality or if numbers were just stuck to items and there’s a few happy circumstances.

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Gleam poles seem have nice mint values (10,20,46). For example plain gleam pole/beam gives 10c for and takes 2 essence (and 4 gleam) on single craft, and of course better material reductions when going volume crafting.
So if people are getting minting vital essence refining it to gleam poles and beams would give like double amount :slight_smile:


There are some items where the values for processed items add up very nicely to the ingredient values. I think these exist on purpose, but I’m not sure how they were selected, or why.

This thread needs a bump. I didn’t want to derail @DKPuncherello’s thread any further by responding to the comments there about how the chrysominter is only good for tossing scraps or decorating your place.

A coiled minter is a lot more than decoration or a status symbol. Most of the information in this thread is still valid, and so is the stuff in the thread linked later in this post.

Some of the blocks have dropped in mint value, and the coils more than make up for it.

18 waxy earthyams mint for 10.08 coin. Mass craft them into 100 wax for 56 coins.

Make your rocks and trunks into doors for even more coin, though I’m not sure how the exp stacks up against plain refining the coin is better.

Buy a t5 hammer and some buffs - make roughly 40k at a gleam ball. with less than 10k in expenses. Make even more crafting doors again instead of refining.

If you can’t be bothered to sell essence, still extract your fossils. Even after spark a large fossil mints over 50c worth of essence and a medium fossil will get you 20. Large fossils are worth more than topaz or sapphires. Just as much as diamonds or rubies in most cases.

Tech mints nicely if you don’t want to stockpile it. Rock salt mints for 252 coin per stack.

If anyone else has noticed a particularly good item to harvest or craft please do share!