Cities/Villages and unwelcomed citizens

So, Title…

Little backstory:
I had this guy dastrayxdegt a few hours ago, with a beacon on some unclaimed plot near my store on solum;
we had a little disagreement because i was going to expand stuff on the side of the road he settled, and asked politely if he could move the beacon -which he refused saying i didn’t own the land- and he was right because i did not claim the plot first which is in fact, inside the city.

So as a result of this, i enclosed his 8x16 plot, on a 10x18 refined stone box , because he won’t move the beacon and trashtalked my shop and city. (sad this game doesnt have logs yet)

Anyways leaving the drama aside, my city will now have a 500 block tall 16x16 tree (or tower) because of this guy

My suggestion is: Make cities set their base on pylons or corner plots, so it would claim an entire area instead of the plot protected (with plot distance limitation) or make better permissions not for the city major (which is easily taken down by a few chunks of gleam) but for the one who started it, like lets say im the oldest member of the city then i have the rights to tell who settles where and if the player has permissions to claim plots near the city or inside it.

Or simply let me remove this guy beacon because this isn’t a private server and it’s a huge turn off dealing with this stuff . (totally not drama)

Edit: before everyone starts ranting about grieffing, i took the meassures i could as a player since i did not have the tools to act as the game doesn’t provide it, This isn’t a post to argue about someone’s plot, its a suggestion post on changes to how the cities are founded or managed, that it will overcrowd large servers with a good amount of people.

heres how it looks now

Stop with all the drama already


unfortunately thats the way it is in rl and in games too that we are all tested by other people and their attitudes and needs and wants -

it could be useful to be able to have some kind of “settlement” reservation of plots that would block others from using the area inside (like you suggested within area closed by corner plots); it could have timer giving you time to claim the entire area as you earn more plots, or it could even let you keep certain area locked without plotting it (it could be available for really higher price in beacon fuel)

it’s a difficult thing to make all the land claiming working for all the builders planning huge things and at the same time avoid too much land being locked by inactive players etc. and provide enough feeedom for all players;

its an old topic too - possible types of plots like city plots and such… there was a lot of suggestions and discussion around it;
for now it is what it is

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totally agree with what you’re saying, but, as community grows, topics related to grieffers and issues within new cities will start forming up, i’ve known like half of the active players here and never had any trouble.

My personal opinion, as someone that has related issues within his city, i see this as a major fault. Maybe someone that haven’t had this stuff yet doesn’t see the same way as i do.

Fact is, no one likes ugly structures or bad mannered people on their city and those issues will end IF private servers are released therefore i think for people who plays on a public server the rework for this system is a must.

Think about it the other way, A fully leveled guy with tons of blocks, can go to new players city and build a huge structure on the middle, granting him mayor and disturbing all other smaller structures without consentment of the actual founder of the city. I personally would leave.


Yes, major overhaul of mayor role and anti-trolling measures is needed.
There was a lot of interesting and valuable input in that department and I firmly believe we will get better system in future.


I am faced with a similar issue as I am gathering building materials while gaining levels. As I gain more levels I claim more plots at my project site. I’ve already found two beacons from people that either no longer play or willing to move the beacon and unclaim the plots.

I wanted to build my project originally on a mountain top and into the mountain away from everyone. I climb the mountain and find an ugly beacon sitting there by someone who doesn’t even play the game anymore.

Even if my project gets finished, I doubt I’ll ever let just anyone move in and allow them to “live” out of a resident plot unless I trust the person enough not to screw up the design concept.

When you’re the kind of project builder that looks for specific locations for specific visitor experiences to deliver, it’s pretty annoying having someone invade your space by claiming a plot right next to your project site, refuses to move, or doesn’t play the game.


I have 4 or 5 beacons littering area around lake and direct vicinity of my settlement. Two of them sit where I want to expand.

At the moment all we can do is wait patiently for them to expire.

Waiting a few weeks for a beacon to expire is a little much IMO. It’s one thing to litter beacons around a lake, it’s another to litter them around a planet and then never go back to them. Though this issue will directly be fixed as more public planets are introduced and even more when private ones are brought into the picture.

I do feel the pain that Dash expresses though. If I had placed a beacon down with plots and someone asked me kindly to move, I’d ask them if they could help to speed the process up. Luckily there are work arounds for me to use since these people at my project site won’t move their stuff or login to start playing again.


I agree waiting for weeks is not the desired full release option.
Was only saying thats what we can do now.

Another issue now is that when beacon fuel was introduced, all existing beacons got maximum available fuel time (6 months). Most of beacons around my village are from that time and will disappear soon.

These days new players starting won’t get such long beacon time and people arriving in game and stopping playing after a short try won’t leave half a year beacons behind.

Still - even a few weeks is long wait.

With how easy it is to fuel a beacon, they shouldn’t even come with any fuel. They come with 6 weeks of fuel.

A stack of 50 leaves is easy to get and gives over a week of fuel.

The real annoying part is one of the people who have a beacon and claimed plot at my project site is active on the Boundless Discord, was provided coordinates to their beaconed area in a thread on these forums, and yet haven’t done anything about it.

Oh well, I figure the majority of people are going to not build directly next to people or if their beaconed plot is not being used, actually be willing to move it. 1 or 2 plots can make a difference in finishing a project some place else.

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its a temporary state of things - from what I remember, fueling will come in higher cost later on. I would like to see 2 weeks as top for leaves and maybe 4 weeks for timber and 6 weeks for decorated wood and more for even higher tier items. That way a new and undecided players won’t fuel for long.

2 weeks is too long for max from leaves. Leaves are everywhere on every planet we have now and probably will remain true even after we have dozens to explore on. Everywhere as in compared to how much there is compared to trucks from trees.

Honestly it should be a lot like peaty soil when putting it into a furnace but useful enough because of how easily it is to get that you could get a solid 3 days time out of a stack of leaves and that could be the max you get from leaves.

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I spat out first numbers that came to my head. Point being it needs to be little time for fuel such as leaves.
Upon further analysis I agree a couple of days sounds better.

There are some new plants and such coming and some new drops from blocks so we will see what other possible beacon fuel we will get.

To be honest, to me, it sounds like you are saying you are griefing his claim, just because you wanted the land he settled on (fairly I might add).

I’m not playing devils advocate here. Just simply pointing out that, as land is claimed on a 2D plane, it’s best to expand horizontally before vertically, otherwise situations like this will happen.

I agree. Whilst it’s good that people can simply join a settlement just by plopping down a claim is good for simple gameplay, it also comes with problems in the case of players having a vision for a themed city


I agree with Stretchious here–blocking the guy’s fairly-claimed plot is a Lex-Luthor move.



I would highly recommend removing the box you built around his/her plot. You have admitted to griefing another players fairly claimed plot and provided photographic evidence to the devs of said griefing. This was not a proper response and could result in negative consequences against you.

As far as conflict management and resolution methods this is probably the worst thing you could have done to remedy the situation.

Without knowing the full context of the situation, by hearing both parties sides, all we see is that you seem to be handling the situation poorly. If the individual in question is being rude and interfering with your gameplay gather proof and bring it to the devs so they can handle it in an appropriate manner. Your current response is not the proper way to handle it.


Nah, i just applied the same logic he did: " the land around him wasn’t his, and i can build whatever i want. "

But it isn’t the point, dext and i got to an aggreement and we’re cool now, im just pointing out the inevitable on a near future if this stuff keeps going the way it is

I did handle it poorly at first, but like i said, we’re cool now. This is to show everyone that stuff like this is coming, maybe not on everyones cities but it can be a serious thing on capitals, just like it was the road blocking plot thingy some months ago


The developers are going to spawn planets in relation to the number of players. So there will always be a certain density (excepting private planets) of players even after the game goes live. I would say this means the problem with abandoned beacons will continue and possible grow. I agree the best way to address this is to make adjustments to the way beacons are fueled.

I will also agree that it is frustrating to plan a build and after you have started have someone claim plots that you wanted. Unfortunately, I think this is going to always be part of the game. If you do not claim the plots you will ultimately need, they are going to be subject to being taken by someone else. As long as plots are limited (and they have to be on public servers), this will not change.

I will also agree that your behavior is griefing. It is not the same logic to try and limit a persons access to their fairly claimed plots and claiming unclaimed plots. Unless he builds something that is offensive (and not just ugly), he has not done anything wrong. That being said I am glad you were able to work it out.


I understand this but , think about it on both perspectives, if -I- as someone who has 500+ hs in the game, and 3 lv50 chars, i wouldn’t mind to take over a whole 1500 plot area to expand if i know what im building, as a result of that i’m forced to do an early expansion plan, to claim all that i MIGHT use.

And, as a new player, you’re shut down to a few plots and builds and you can’t do a expansion plan since you don’t know what you’re building or the amount of blocks that it will take plus time on farming therefore, game is forcing you to move to another location

also I’d like to do enphasis on what i said there

The mindset of “I own this plot and i can do whatever i want” is biased , i could go to some random city, claim a plot, and dig down some 8x8 hole, this logic should never apply. What you do to a 8x8 fall from 120 altitude to 5?, you block it with walls so no one would fall in it (which is consider grieffing , or grieffing the grieffer?)

In regards to the situation of the 8*8 hole to bedrock the proper respose is to take it to the devs and see what they can do. While waiting for a response go about your normal gameplay. Unless there is some mechanism being used to force players to slip in or be pulled in how is it affecting anyone other then being a bit of an eyesore? Does it stop you from being able to play the game while waiting for a dev response?

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Answer is, We shouldn’t have to take it to the devs. They have more important things to do that dealing with a prick in a city.

So you wouldn’t mind having a huge hole in your city and not be able to act against it? explain to me that because i really don’t understand whats cool on eyesores and grieffing.