In general, I do not like this aspect of Boundless. I have great concerns over the fact that people can mine resources and build in ways that do affect my build and what I want to do. My struggle is what to do about it that is fair to everyone involved. I believe, like you seem to, that being part of a established town means you ask what is and is not acceptable. You discuss where to build and how large you can build. What materials should be used and what should be avoided. That is what I have done in every instance when I added onto an existing town. I think that makes for a better environment for everyone playing the game. If the person that is the Mayor has the right after my build is completed and if no objections were made as it was being built, to ask me to move out after weeks of work. I think that is not fair and I should not have to do it. This is way to much power in the hands of one person. I do not have a good alternative, but I think this allows for some really bad behavior.
I do agree that Solum looks ridiculous with all the abandoned beacons and structures. Something needs to be done to address the beacon fueling that does not punish new players but does allow for abandoned beacons to revert more quickly.
It was in the context of someone being a part of a town.
When you’re in the middle of no where and each time you get new plots, go and claim more around your project site, it’s a little hard to “claim from the beginning” everything you think you might need. Project plans change a lot for some of us.
I think a Founder and Mayor should have some say but honestly since this is an open-sandbox they need to be wiling to let go of some control. If you want full control go rent a server end of story.
As for solum I think it looks fine even though I wish it wasn’t dead. It is exactly what it became and be exactly like a lot of other cities we see in 1.0, etc. People need to be willing to see half completed stuff or dying cities… its the way it works.
Beacon fuel is not bad at 6 months from what I see. It isn’t the source of the problem. The bigger issue we have is we don’t have enough PEOPLE playing the game to keep the cities active. We also don’t have enough things to DO to keep people active.
People stop playing temporarily for many reasons or there isn’t enough people to keep stuff active. That is the issue here not beacons in the bigger context.
Plot is unclaimed. People can claim it. Don;t like that people claimed the unclaimed plot? Too bad for you. Don’t like what they build on the plot they claimed? Too bad for you. You can’t tell people what to claim and what to build there. Grow up and move along.
These are contradictory statements. If a mayor so chose under this suggested ability then you are saying to the player who built in the city “hey, here’s the bird. Now get your build out of here” regardless of how much time or effort they put into it.
Theres a thin line between kicking a legit player out of your city, and actually kicking an afk or grieffer.
I get what you say about maybe a douche city founder , kicks out the owner of some cool structure. But my point and statements are made based on grieffers or people who you just dont get along.
This is an mmo, but i shouldnt be chained to interact with everyone in this community, maybe some like to play with guildies and friends and don’t want anyone else to settle.
There is a fact though and those are the 5 min players building things leaving houses unfinished and not playing again on a long time
thats not griefing ingame rulez i learned when i was mad at people taking beacons that run out unnoticed it was explained as them beig oportunist so now i do it myself( after some research)
its a survival game ask @james ps: i learned to like the weather now
I agree what Xaldafak said that almost all of us here doesn’t want to grief one another and that we need to have supporting tool in game to show our intentions and plans. As for me, this looks like just a big misunderstanding on both party hence they were able to settle things up once they’ve talked probably in more civil way.
Signs are a big step in reaching out our intentions like “Wood blocks only and please stick to earthly like settlement theme!”. However, we have yet need to find a way to show our actual plans on our settlement so that others won’t accidentally plot it so I like Dash’s pylon suggestion.
I personally want a way to show the perimeter of our plan like a police line. It’s like a normal plotting mechanism but surrounds it in police line (what is the generic term for this? Mentioning police line makes it look like a crime scene XD) but it’s not stopping others to just plot the area for their own. Since I don’t want this to be abused by new players by setting a very large perimeter for their ambitious plan but just abandons it eventually, it could probably be just twice your earned plot capacity.
Another one, we need to have an easier way of communicating with other people even if they’re offline to settle things up once problem arises. Fortunately mailbox will be a thing so yay! for that.
Even with communication methods in place and trying to find a peaceful resolution for something like this, there are still those that won’t remove their stuff even after they say they will. Then there’s the problem of abandoned beacons with long fuel life in them. Both of these will be persistent problems even with 20+ public worlds. I guess the best solution then is to move to a planet that isn’t so populated and find that ideal spot for your project.
There are going to be people that join this game and just be jerks about stuff like this. But for those that don’t want to rent out their own world to run isn’t a viable solution currently. It’s a BS answer to even bring up because of that.
Having to find a new ideal project site is a bit silly. Particularly when you want to create a very specific visitor experience. After all, someone creating a town or a city is basically building art in a sense but functional for the resident’s and visitor’s needs.
Maybe leaving mail in someone’s mailbox will help out if that person has one easily accessible.
Dash’s idea of pylons is something akin to how claim blocks work in Minecraft. You’re rewarded a certain number of claim blocks per hour of play on the server and you can easily use them up (depends on how the server wants to reward them tho). It’s a double edged sword cause it vastly rewards those that have more time on their hands with more blocks to claim but also keeps those with less time from being able to claim a lot of blocks even though they want to build something really cool. But I think his idea is more along the lines of having a barrier between a claimed plot and one that isn’t.
I think we keep trying to work around the plot limits. We want a special type of plot to reserve areas for future development or to preserve a natural area or feature around our builds (this is something I have advocated). We want to limit who can build adjacent to our own builds in order to fulfill our vision.
Rather than asking the developers to come up with a new type of plot, do we just need more plots? I know the developers are concerned about the space on the planets. However, I know that I do feel constrained by the current plot allocations. I can understand the desire to layout your entire build upfront to prevent plots that you will need from being taken by others. I can understand wanting to found a city and being able to control the layout of roads and infrastructure. Is our best course to advocate for more plots? This option would require the least amount of development (if any).
The downside to this is it would allow for someone to take a large number of plots and then not use them, but this will be somewhat addressed by changing how long a beacon can be fueled.