Closed Storage Organizing Ideas

Hello everyone and good day!

So, I come here for help once again. You guys helped me with the build ideas earlier - now its time for storage ideas :P. I did look for storage ideas on the forum but ended up finding open storage only. This time I am aiming for closed storage to save on mesh limit because its a tower (big tower so horizontally space isnt an issue).

How do you go about arranging your closed storages? Open storages were easier since you grouped together “Rocks” for example and you could see which rock type was were but with closed storages, its trickier. Having a storage for every single item is impossible yet grouping them together can be challenging. Any ideas? :smiley: Thanks!

Edit: Big walls of storage units kind of defeat the purpose of having closed storage (less units and more space). IDK if it changes anything but the whole build has a plain/modern/sci-fi theme to it.

I have been slowly converting mine over to closed storage with most ending up with something like this setup


Great. I thought of using open storages to help me know whats in the closed ones but couldnt picture how. This setup solves that problem and saves on signs too (which add up to the meshes). Thanks a lot!

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Yeah, honestly the signs are redundant for things like these, but they were already there so i just have not removed them yet.

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There are some more ideas in this thread as well

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I have my stuff organized like this and I find it very practical
each corner of my workshop has a ‘theme’ and each theme has subcategories (organic → plant drops etc)

  • a huge dump storage for exo and frequently used building materials.
    I use shelves to show what is in the boxes


Wooo elegant and fits the sci-fi theme with those panes and lights. Thanks! Where do people bring all this creativity from? haha
I started building this new base of mine and i was slowly making it the same as the old one xD. Trying my best to change the way i do things.


I asked for creativity but not too much creativity. Go away apt dont make me feel depressed now hahaha. Thanks again for the awesome ideas. Very nice with those different styles. The poles with the gleam in the middle fits with my build’s sci-fi too. Will have to use it somewhere. Thanks!


I’ll definitely be putting glass signs where the glass is with the new update. :+1:

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With closed storage I switched my storage to 2 different models.

First one is the more compact with columns of open storage showing horizontally the filling. In this case 4 stacks indicate that there is more in the chest

Second one is just an on demand overflow of open storage via chests at the bottom



Thanks for the ideas. I like the T1-8 tools thing. Always depended on memory to figure out which was which. I guess for the exos ill just have a one big pile of boxes and ill dump everything from the exos there xD. Wouldnt matter they came from which exo to me.

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For my Exo stuff I collect them in seperate bins while the Exo is active (top bin for surface resources, bottom for stuff like tangle, thorns, rock, trunk etc…) and then once the Exo is gone I move the stuff into color separated storage for ease of finding later.


Building that tiny storage changed my life. I used to dump all tools together but when exo spawned I had no idea of which tool I needed lol


Variations on visual indexing:


I was thinking of using a color based order but If I get too many of a single color then I would need to add another column at the end (And that would drive me crazt) or shift everything one block to the rigth (I would be happy with that but moving things would be horrible). So I decided that It was best for me to fill storages as I needed for each exo lol.


yeah, the 2 upper bins in mine are for standard amounts of things, the lower bin is overflow

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This isn’t too creative, but colorful at least… :wink: Works ok, convenient, but going to need a lot more!


And if you are doing a sort by color number and play on PC … the mod for adding the color number to the bottom of the item hover description in game is a sanity saver!
