hy there what do you think about it? how to improve it?
Looks nice and cozy, I like it!
It`s looking really cool, i like it too
I would only suggest for you to use another tipe of block in the ceiling. Maybe some sedimentary rock or a refined sedimentary stone ( with the same pattern of the floor OR a diferent one).
You’ll have to experiment a little!
Here’s an interesting suggestion that even I haven’t done before and just thought of…
You’re holding a chisel… so how about this:
-Have a look at the ceiling and imagine it in 4 quadrants.
-Take a few random whacks at the ceiling with whatever chisel you like (I’m thinking maybe silver or titanium is it? the one that does the 1/2 bevels)
-Mirror that shape into the other quadrants
Just a thought, if you give it a try let me know how it goes or post a screenshot
looking good so far!
@TheCringeKid > ty buddy
@lesley64 > dont really get where in the ceiling could repost my pic with where you think its great
@ctrl-64 > not really sure to undertand what you try to explain because i’m a non native speaker … could you explain a bit more ? i think it seems to be a great idea but not really sure of understand it i’ll ask for a trad by a friend but if you can "simplify’ it could help me
@ctrl-64 ctrl ill a dit frappe le plafond avec le chisel dans quattre cube sans ordre e repeter cette motif partout en miroir
si tu esai ca ill veux un photo pour voir le resultat
lol moebius i dont know if its good translation but i tryd
ty moe je comprends plus au moins ca aussi mais je suis pas sur ^^ vais demander a doom
ok lolz pas probleme